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Happy Secret

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Everything posted by Happy Secret

  1. @Rook This morning, I realised that this post got reverted to one week before version. I should have updated to v1.5 last friday. But I only see v1.4 this morning. Any idea why this happens? It seems those comments are not affected. Only the main post got reverted.
  2. I want to learn the general technique. No specific game in mind, any game you would recommend me to start with?
  3. MMORPG, a lot of things are actually server sided. even you can hack, it could be too visible and make you got banned very soon. ESP type of hack that only you can see would be better option than damage multiplier
  4. Never changed, and I didn’t login again. so, pretty sure. It uses the locally stored login information.
  5. @Rook What is the real latest version of Sideloadly? I recently got issue with it. After reinstall, it automatically update to 0.40.4....but in Sideloadly official site, i only see change log for 0.40.3 and My sideloadly now has two issues? 1. the auto bundle Id seems behaves differently. I suddenly got to copy of the game in my iPad. 2. after sideload, the game lost the File Sharing features. (This issue resolved after restart iPAD, the sharing folder suddenly there. odd) Any hint for me?
  6. Version 1.5: 1. Isolate H5GG core feature Frida script with other script, to avoid override or affecting each other. Now you can use this new menu with other Frida scripts with less constraints and without issue. 2. Introducing Hex Search with nibble-level wildcards, like "?3 37 13 ?7". Hex search can also be used to achieve Text (UTF-8) search. Currently only script available, will incorporate into H5GG menu with UI in next version. 3. Minor bug fix on a number of bugs. note: Note Hex Search script result can be find in Debug Info UI. (press Debug from front UI)
  7. Just added a script example that do UTF-8 String Seach. You may find it here.
  8. Just choose TEXT, when choosing data size or data type. remember the last occurrence of the search is fake. I think iGG allocate memory to store that search string and it return that search string as well just ignore the very last one
  9. You mean debugger to debug iOS application? GDB with IDA Pro, I believe it is the best combination, right? Anyway, I remember in my old days when using PC to hack iOS app, I use GDB. But it is ages ago. Ask the pro here or search tutorial
  10. Version 1.4: 1. You can use script to search for object interested and add to Debug Info. Debug Info acts like a console.log but it will accumulate count on same message and update itself to latest version of data. You will LOVE it. 2. Under debug info, you can easily explore data at certain memory location (object location). As usual, you can update the data on that screen as well. 3. Minor bug fix on a number of bugs.
  11. For Unity Game, with IL2Cpp Dumper it is not difficult to locate how the game store item code. Whether you can influence the item generation or change item, it is another story. Suggest you find a local (non-server sided Unity Game) to try. You can try Dungreed, where I already hack the item cheat panel. It should make you mush easier to do your research or practice.
  12. If you are referring to TEXT search, it is already there from v0.3.0 Very nice feature, you should give it a try. Watch point is another nice new feature that you should look into.
  13. @tuancc You finally come back. I am not familiar with GitHub, not sure how to contribute the code back to H5GG GitHub. I have leave you message at Discord. Please check.
  14. New Version 1.3: 1. You can type in simple ARM64 instruction to let the tool to convert to HEX for you. Only works on Simple ARM64 Instruction like MOV, ADD, SUB, NOP, RET. 2. Upgraded H5Frida Core to version 16.0.10 (thanks to @LeePham helping on final compilation on Theos) 3. Minor bug fix on a number of bugs. New Frida resolved iOS15 + iOS16 support issue on some memory function.
  15. H5GG new Menu Updated to Version 1.2

    Now covering both Read & Write Live ARM64 instruction on an address (work on non-jailbroken)


  16. Per your request, update to Version 1.2: 1. You can tap on Bytes (middle column) to open Live Offset Patcher. Only works on Non-Jailbroken device with Debug state on the App OR Jailbroken device. Feel free to let me know if you have other idea.
  17. Updated to Version 1.2: 1. You can tap on Bytes (middle column) to open Live Offset Patcher. Only works on Non-Jailbroken device with Debug state on the App OR Jailbroken device. 2. Color highlight on the current Instruction (specified in the Current Address field) 3. Minor bug fix on a number of bugs.
  18. The address next to Hex and instruction is with ASLR. The normal memory address find in Cheat Engine. Yes, it worked one some devices. But not all. Good to know it works on your device as well.
  19. Top address bar is ASLR removed, including the address backup. So essentially, you don’t need to calculate (remove ASLR) to get the real offset. You just need to TAP on it, my tool will give you the real offset for you to use with Live Offset Patch or do Binary patch. But i cannot 100% sure, if there really a bug somewhere…haha.
  20. What is gogoled? Already tried chatGPT, this is really insane. It can give me code example real quick and even customise it for me. I only on non-Jailbroken. I have no way to change protected memory segment easily. It worked once previously with my old iPad under debug mode. But it is not working with current one. I hope iGameGod has give me surprise on this.
  21. Ya, it complaints about tool chains as well. No idea how to fix it. Anyway, good to know you enjoy the Read Instruction feature. If you think of anything that could add or improve. Do let me know, I am running out of idea on next version already. Haha.
  22. No, not yet. I just upgrade the existing H5GG HTML to include new features. But yes, it is pretty much a significant upgrade in features. For H5GG real upgrade, I have intention to upgrade H5GG. I am figuring out how to update H5GG Frida core. Not sure why I can’t install Theos on my Mac. I have some ideas with slim chance to update H5Frida plugin and gadget to latest version. But I need to figure out why I can’t install Theos. It keeps complaining I don’t have Xcode. Crazy.
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