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Everything posted by Rook

  1. This topic was moved from Other Cheats to Other Stuff.
  2. Hello! Unfortunately, the ViP Subscription you chose is for the Jailbroken ViP sections only & it does not give you access to the ViP Non-Jailbroken section or the ViP apps on the iOSGods App. :)
  3. This topic was moved from General Talk to Help & Support.
  4. This topic was moved from DIY Cheats to Help & Support.
  5. Locked This topic is now closed to further replies.
  6. We are experiencing some login issues and we're currently looking into it. Thank you for your patience!
  7. Hello, There's currently an issue with the app logins that we're looking into fixing.
  8. We're aware of the login issues and working on fixing them. Please try again later.
  9. The proxy server has expired, however you can use the DIY proxy tool and make your computer run the anti-ban proxy.
  10. The way Jailed cheats are made makes them pretty vulnerable which is why you can only get it in 3 Months terms. Even Jailbroken ViP, you need to have been a member for a long time in order to purchase the 1 Month package. This might change in the future.
  11. Hello, I have fixed the link. Please read it again.
  12. Hey, When did you last try? Does it say the same on all apps?
  13. This topic was moved from Hack Requests to Filled Requests.
  14. This request or parts of this request have been filled. Please use the search bar located on the top-right corner of iOSGods to find the topic(s).
  15. Then you likely have not installed theos (properly).
  16. Hello, Thank you for your interest and your suggestion. Yes, that does sound possible, however we have no plans on supporting Apple TV at this time.
  17. This has been brought to our attention. Hoping to fix soon.
  18. This topic was moved from Hack Requests to Filled Requests.
  19. This request or parts of this request have been filled. Please use the search bar located on the top-right corner of iOSGods to find the topic(s).
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