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Everything posted by Rook

  1. Updated! This hack is now updated to the current App Store version!
  2. Updated! This hack is now updated to the current App Store version!
  3. Please use the search ( https://iosgods.com/search/ ) bar located on the top-right corner of iOSGods. :)
  4. Here you go: https://www.sendspace.com/file/tudi3f Courtesy of iGDecrypt.
  5. Today, I will reach max rank.

    1. ghork


      With cheats?

    2. Max-Q


      I think i will report you :pc: You cheater!!!

    3. Ahmedoo94
  6. How about now? I tested this last update and works fine on my end.
  7. If it's Jailbreak: https://iosgods.com/store/category/1-vip-subscriptions/
  8. Wow so generous! I'll add an extra 14 months! ❤️
  9. Happy to help! Yes, today is the first day of April!
  10. It's so cool right? You don't need a Jailbroken device anymore!
  11. Woooow! Nice rank! Holy!
  12. Today, April 1st 2022 we are proud to announce the new project iOSGods has been working on called "Online Unencrypted & Decrypted iOS App .IPA Store" And guess what it does?! It is basically an online store that contains simply pre-decrypted iOS Apps so all you have to do is download and do what you planned on doing with them! Here's an example of how simple it is: As you can see, it is using the already well-known and recycled AppInfo UI so you should have absolutely 0 issues navigating around! All you have to do is enter the app name, click search and then click download. Literally. Given how useful Sideloadly has become, we've of course integrated it tightly into this new project. You can easily download the unencrypted .IPA file via the "DOWNLOAD & INSTALL VIA SIDELOADLY FOR SIDELOADING PURPOSES" button and Sideloadly will start downloading! Then you can easily modify the IPA by changing certain options in Sideloaldy's advanced options with the most sought after one being the Tweak Injection. TL;DR To modify an IPA in any way, it needs to be decrypted, and that's where Online Unencrypted & Decrypted iOS App .IPA Store comes in and drastically improves sideloader's lives. NO JAILBREK REQUIRED! How to access? The new Online Unencrypted & Decrypted iOS App .IPA Store is part of ARMConverter.com and can be accessed via this link: https://armconverter.com/onlinedecryptediosipaappstore VIP COUPON DISCOUNT! Yes! To celebrate this we are discounting ALL VIP PRICES by 31% if you use coupon code APR1L during checkout! Hurry though! Offer ends tomorrow, April 2nd! Thank you all for your support! ❤️ We couldn't have done this without you! ❤️
  13. Is it a physical home button or the software based one? If it's a physical button, you'll have to fix it. If it's software based one (iPhone 7 and later), you'll have to use the volume buttons on the side to enter DFU mode.
  14. I've notified the author for now and will proceed accordingly.
  15. Hello, Your original post was likely deleted because you are not providing enough information with your topic. Please state which device and iOS version you are using and the exact issue or messages you are getting. A picture or video would also help. Some users in Germany have to use a VPN in order to install since their ISP blocks localhost installs which App+ uses.
  16. It may be complex to use the iOS Cheat Engine if it's your first time! The touch recorder and speed manager are of course much easier for beginners. If you do want to learn how to use the cheat engine, there are a lot of videos and examples in the iGameGod tag. Tutorials, DIYs and videos on how to use iGameGod can be found here: https://iosgods.com/tags/iGameGod/
  17. Jurassic World Alive will not work when sideloaded with free Apple IDs. To fix this issue, you'll have to use a paid Apple ID or iOSGods App+.
  18. Oops! I think I know what’s happening. Please wait for a new update!
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