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    iPhone 6s Plus
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  1. Anyone knows if this can work with cod mobile?
  2. i didn't use the udid 123456789101112 and it worked fine
  3. does it work with ios 6 ? i'm searching moviebox for ios 6
  4. It works great except timestamp entries . Also you can't see when the user is typing to you . Does anyone know where I can find version 6.1 of Messenger for iPhone? I Can only find version 6.0 . I want to have all features working
  5. So right now we have Spotify premium (except offline) , beats premium (except offline), deezer premium , rhapsody premium . It is hard to choose the best to use but I mostly use beats and Spotify
  6. Thanks a lot So we can choose whatever we want . Thanks!
  7. What are the new features on this update? Which features can you enable/disable?
  8. I wish there was a way to change these options instead of all of them being enabled by default . I would like to be displayed online
  9. It works ! Thanks a lot
  10. Qobuz Music (3.0.2) Version of the app: Any version is ok (the latest is 3.0.2) Premium features : -Streaming in flac/lossless quality -Download/sync in flac/lossless quality Info I 've managed to get all premium features (flac streaming and syncing) on Qobuz poor Ios4 with flex . It works like a charm with that version , but its too old . If anyone could crack the latest version of Qobuz , Qobuz Music which is intented for ios 7/8 that would be great. There is also version for ios 5/6 which would be good if it worked if Qobuz Music can't be cracked . Thank you!
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