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Overwatch Patch 1.13.02


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Discussing the major things in the latest patch update and summary a lot of the others.

Patch went live on July 27, 2017 

Posts your thoughts down below, and tell me if I miss anything important.

Note:I did copy and paste some stuff mostly things in Bug Section.



  • New Hero:Doomfist

The new hero which was announced on July 6 was finally added on the live servers. As of currently, he isn't a playable character in the comp. game-mode yet because Blizzard want further testing of the hero.

  • Lootbox Update

With people always complaining about the duplicates they get and such, Blizzard decided to lower the duplicate rate. Because of this, you won't get as much coins but they are also increasing the amount of coins you get for whenever you get a duplicate.

  • Hightlight System

Every wanted to save a funny moment or POTG but you can't? Well now you can! The people at Blizzard decided to add a system in which you can save clips. Users can save up to 12 seconds of their clip by bounding a key in the options menu. With that, the client automatically create a  "Today's Top 5" system in which the application will automatically capture hightlights. For the Top 5 system, it will be saved for 24 hours or until the game client is patched. And for your own captures, it will be saved until the game is patched also, and you can save up to 36 captures. With this, you can export the files to your computer and select the quality in which it to be exported at.


  • General
  1. Adjusted the respawn timing to limit defensive stalling strategies when the offensive team has a clear advantage and plays aggressively
  2. Ability to create your own crosshair now. You can find that under Controls/Options/Advance
  3. D.VA and Genji got new sound effects for when Defense Matrix absorbs an enemy ult and when Genji reflect and enemy ult
  4. McCree's stunned targets are now slowed down heavily, which decrease the chance in which they are gonna escape while stunned. (In the patch notes the developer mentioned that it is gonna be consistent against fast moving targets like Lucio or Genji. *cough DiDA*)
  5. Reaper sound effects when Shadow Stepping has been reduced by 50%
  6. Reinhardt's hammer swing speed increased by 10%

Zarya's ult now disables mobility abilities on all affected targets. (This means like a Genji can't dash out of it, but Orisa can still use her ability to get out though)


  • Bug Fixes
  1. Fixed a bug that could allow projectiles that would normally pierce shields (i.e. Reinhardt’s Fire Strike) to pass through other surfaces

  2. Fixed a bug that caused players to get a leaver penalty during offseason matches, even after the in-game banner advised it was safe to leave the match

  3. Fixed a bug that allowed Roadhog’s Chain Hook to latch on to Orisa’s Supercharger

  4. Fixed a bug that allowed Sombra to take damage after activating her Translocator
  5. Fixed a bug preventing Lucio from receiving the full speed boost when traveling backwards during a Wall Ride

  6. Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented Torbjörn from building and upgrading his turret

  7. Fixed multiple hit registration bugs in Reinhardt’s Rocket Hammer

  8. Fixed a bug that could cause D.Va to fall through the floor while boosting into the ground in a specific area on Volskaya Industries



ORIGINAL POST:https://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20758326379

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