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I found a way, not unknown error, in the entry game first let him load configuration escaped detection, after entering the game at the Point Iosgods pop-up window, "Thank you" may be useful for my 11.1.2 system,

On May 10, 2018 at 5:48 AM, coldtouch said:

oh wow. i will reply cuz it pisses me off.

i know its hard work i can imagine updating offsets for tons of games is not a fast work. But what i dont understate how come i "should be great-full"? i paid money for a service and i am venting my concern of the website choosing quantity over quality.

if i was getting everything free i ofc wouldnt make a peep and be greatfull i am even some greatfull now that i pay but when i see their cheat is not working at all and for some time now and only get updated to the newest version in appstore so it can inject, but still NOT WORK? whats the point? i can tell you the point but you and others who runs it wont like it.

as you can see or you choose not to see, this is a buessness site not hobby anymore. they make money off ads and vips and i can imagine other ways too. if there is only one or two people that do all the work they grab most money aswell so its their choice we dont need to be blamed for being "not greatfull", this website is not curing cancer or something or its a non profit stuff. so shut your hole and go finish college or high school. this is life and in life there is explanation to everymove.

if for i dont know the reason the hack cant be made to work just abandon it. i dont see a poinnt keep updating something that is not working.



Rofl, you probably suck/ get pwned in Mobile legend that you need this so bad! And when you donate to get VIP and download this hack it doesn't work for you! You get piss off and put your anger on here... Show some respect around here dude! And go learn how to play mobile legend and stop embarrassing yourself

Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Tubbytiger88 said:

Rofl, you probably suck/ get pwned in Mobile legend that you need this so bad! And when you donate to get VIP and download this hack it doesn't work for you! You get piss off and put your anger on here... Show some respect around here dude! And go learn how to play mobile legend and stop embarrassing yourself

and you probably a little underaged kid with zero brains aswell.

i bought the vip and barely use it to be honest about it. i bought it with a promo i said to myself maybe its worth fooling around with that.

since i bought it i mainly enjoyed few chapters in harry potter game and thats about it.  i am not using it almost at all so come and say i bought something just cuz of a particular hack is a lie.

i just stated my mind as i see how busneess work and so what i expressed the truth?

i tried hack few days ago and its still getting "updated" to app store version but still doesnt work or work and then in a few mins u get unknown error. i barely play mobile legends aswell( i bought even diamonds there ) but seeing the hack isnt being fixed just a race to keep updating offsets to meet new app store version thats not a good service in my book and i dont care what u kids think. when u grow a little and start earning some money and pay some bills you will start understanding maybe who knows... 



btw i played mobas for some time im probably much better then that guy above(diamond in lol) also i finished my first degree while that dude probably finishing high school. 

Updated by coldtouch
On 5/22/2018 at 9:38 PM, coldtouch said:

and you probably a little underaged kid with zero brains aswell.

i bought the vip and barely use it to be honest about it. i bought it with a promo i said to myself maybe its worth fooling around with that.

since i bought it i mainly enjoyed few chapters in harry potter game and thats about it.  i am not using it almost at all so come and say i bought something just cuz of a particular hack is a lie.

i just stated my mind as i see how busneess work and so what i expressed the truth?

i tried hack few days ago and its still getting "updated" to app store version but still doesnt work or work and then in a few mins u get unknown error. i barely play mobile legends aswell( i bought even diamonds there ) but seeing the hack isnt being fixed just a race to keep updating offsets to meet new app store version thats not a good service in my book and i dont care what u kids think. when u grow a little and start earning some money and pay some bills you will start understanding maybe who knows... 



btw i played mobas for some time im probably much better then that guy above(diamond in lol) also i finished my first degree while that dude probably finishing high school. 

You're talking about creating value in service? Yes, the hack do create value with term and condition applied.

I've to highlight yet again for you, sir. There are limitation to reverse engineering. Judging by the way you speak, you lack of the knowledge to understand and comprehend what the topic has stated. There are no hack on earth that is full-proof detection. Game eventually will fix offset and tighten their security. This is just an example of game detection. Rather than ranting your demise and calling a full stoppage on update of the game's offset, why can't you drop a pm to topic creator and seek for understanding? You're not the only user that uses the patcher in this particular post.

And again, you're not the only degree holder here. And talking about being an adult, do talk like an adult before flaming and bashing other forum user.

I'm not here to bash you, but more of a gentle advise to you. Unnecessary remarks are not required.

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