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    Fighting Games and Softball

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  1. Name of the game you want hacked: NBC Sports Version of the game: 6.1.0 iTunes Link for the app: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/nbc-sports/id542511686?mt=8 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: Jailbroken Requested Features: The app can detect a jailbreak. Can a deb be created to remove it's ability to detect a jailbreak so I can watch my sports again?
  2. @DanYal Update for this game dropped today. Any chance of an update to the hack?
  3. @DiDA New update came out today! Any chance this can get added to the auto updating apps?
  4. @DiDA Just updated the game and it gave me the message: "Unable to update No Skill Cooldown Time" Thanks bro!
  5. Wanted to check this out... thank you
  6. Thank you!
  7. @DiDA HALP!!!! LOL... appreciate your work! Hopefully soon bro!
  8. @DiDA long time my man. Hopefully quick on this one... it's a pretty important update and lots of new characters hitting arena and raids right after the update and we'd all love to get a jump start on them! Thanks for all the hard work!
  9. @DiDA ugh, this game is going to update AGAIN tomorrow. Hoping we can get a quick turnaround on this. Thanks for everything in advance!
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