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Status Updates posted by xoraz112

  1. Dunno which Mouse i should use for OW on console with xim4...

    1. LegitGamer1017


      What console do you have?

    2. TheArmKing


      Use that Small Brown Mouse that sometimes comes to your home

  2. Overwatch is copying Paladins and Paladins is copying Battleborn!!!!

    1. xoraz112


      And Battleborn is copying Overwatch!!!!

    2. Erisu


      And Overwatch is an inspiration of tf2

    3. TheArmKing


      ^ yep , its all coz of tf2

  3. Fred ud!! Guess wut it means and you win nothing!

  4. I'm from Earth and i come in Peace!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cycas
    3. Archangel04


      Basmal, Ive come to bargain

    4. xoraz112


      Ahha! Tricked i am actually from the Moon!

    5. xoraz112


      But! I still come in peace

    6. Cycas
  5. i used to be a bird but then i hit a window.

  6. i used to be a bird then i hit a window.

  7. Overwatch is a game i dont like cuz it destroyed Battleborn. good to know right?

  8. Battleborn is a game i like. Good to know right?

    1. Rook


      It got destroyed by Overwatch

    2. Cycas


      And overwatch got destroyed by Paladins

  9. sehctiB!

    1. KFCzZz


      Why you trying to say Bitches?

    2. xoraz112


      No idea. I got bored and then it happend.

  10. i always thought my iPad was a iPad 2 turns out it was a iPad 1

  11. My dog just made a huge shit on the Ground

    1. Helldegarde
    2. Doesthismatter


      MAke him eat that forcefully :D


  12. Just reached Rank 814 on The Ranked Leaderboards in MK X

    1. castix


      I hope you don't use my hack

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