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Status Updates posted by Criticalopshax

  1. Still waiting for the VIP approval...

  2. Been waiting for an hour or two for the VIP 

    1. Ted2


      DiDA is the one who approves, he might be asleep atm

    2. Lord Alucard
  3. Still waiting :(

    1. Xylla
    2. Criticalopshax


      To approve my VIP purchase 

    3. Klepto


      DiDA needs to approve it. He should be on in the next couple of hours :)

  4. Still chilling here waiting for an approval (klepto im trying to get ur attention btw if u even read the status updates)

  5. JUST BOUGHT VIP IM SO HAPPY :) but I still have to wait for staff approval

    1. Criticalopshax


      Zimon ;) your welcome. Btw could you accept the payment? Or does someone else have to do it

    2. Criticalopshax


      K alrighty. I'll just browse the forum for now then

  6. Ima buy 2 months of VIP real quick

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