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Everything posted by 0xNoctis

  1. Could it be a Cydia problem? like applist or something
  2. @X204 So it compiles and everything but the Mod menu wont Appear in game im usings Ted2 mod menu?
  3. Ah Weird it auto added it when i made tweak.xm using teds 2 menu
  4. Or does anyone have any 12.4 or 13.1 SDK i can use since thats Supports Arm64e and with that theos tool v2 i need a sdk of 12.4 or 13.1
  5. Just use llc2ppdumper and grab al the dummydll files and Place them in Dnspy and it shows you al the offets and Hacks etc
  6. Can a IOS 13.3 Ipad (2018) Compile using Theos i get this -arch arm64e Error and i mean i think it has something to do SDK Anyone have any IDea? The SDK it uses is 11.2 error: lipo: unknown architecture specification flag: arm64e in specifying input file -arch arm64e /var/mobile/tankheroo/.theos/obj/arm64e/tankheroo.dylib lipo: known architecture flags are: any little big ppc64 x86_64 x86_64h arm64 ppc970-64 ppc i386 m68k hppa sparc m88k i860 veo arm ppc601 ppc603 ppc603e ppc603ev ppc604 ppc604e ppc750 ppc7400 ppc7450 ppc970 i486 i486SX pentium i586 pentpro i686 pentIIm3 pentIIm5 pentium4 m68030 m68040 hppa7100LC veo1 veo2 veo3 veo4 armv4t armv5 xscale armv6 armv6m armv7 armv7f armv7s armv7k armv7m armv7em arm64v8 fatal error: lipo: Usage: lipo [input_file] ... [-arch <arch_type> input_file] ... [-info] [-detailed_info] [-output output_file] [-create] [-arch_blank <arch_type>] [-thin <arch_type>] [-remove <arch_type>] ... [-extract <arch_type>] ... [-extract_family <arch_type>] ... [-verify_arch <arch_type> ...] [-replace <arch_type> <file_name>] ... make[2]: *** [/var/mobile/theos/makefiles/instance/library.mk:51: /var/mobile/tankheroo/.theos/obj/tankheroo.dylib.af633153.unsigned] Error 1 make[1]: *** [/var/mobile/theos/makefiles/instance/library.mk:37: internal-library-all_] Error 2 make: *** [/var/mobile/theos/makefiles/master/rules.mk:116: tankheroo.all.tweak.variables] Error 2
  7. Welcome let us know if you need help with anything
  8. Currently i have No idea how to i mean i have never personally done it myself maybe look for a Function using Strings
  9. game is either server sided or you will need to Disable the memory Check
  10. Wont be Updating this Untill the new live Patcher Version is out So i gotta wait on @Rook
  11. yes true but ESP/aimbots require Coding and if you have no idea on about hacking sub_x games (Non unity games) then its gonna be nearly impossible for someone new to do aimbots
  12. Its okay i just got like 3 or 4 Achievements to get and would be Less stressful on yourself if you give Zahir and laxus and danyal perms But you know im down to help with giving achievements i got alot if time on my hands @Rook
  13. i got a suggestion Since you're always busy @Rook which is understandable Could you Give Perms for Danyal laxus and Zahir to give Rewards/achievements to players Still waiting on mine since around April may
  14. You're Rushing things Learn C# and C++ keep doing unity games and after Unity do Sub_x games non unity games learn that get better with IDA and then you are ready for ESp coding hacks
  15. Whats everyone's Best Tenno in game on warframe mine is this
  16. Requires Coding Experience like c# or c++
  17. if you uninstall the APP before uninstalling the deb it wont matter it just means when you Download the app again Whatever the deb was lets say "angryBirds2 hack" that hack will appear in the game untill you remove the deb using cydia
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