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Status Replies posted by Chrizk0

  1. gonna stop modding accounts soon and just do giveaways! or at least i'm thinking of doing that.

  2. Total camouflages in BF: 650

  3. Gold HACK for Bullet Force discovered, it took me some time :)

  4. Just finished putting up me shutters, now waiting on the electricity to come off... Oh and the zombie apocalypse

  5. why is my right arm bigger then my left ?

    1. Chrizk0


      i have the same problem but opposite arms, let bigger than right :/

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. My left calf is bigger than my right. #ManualCarProblems

    1. Chrizk0


      I really need to stop only caring about upper core & need to take leg day seriously :|

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. "Told The Doctor, I'm a healthy kid, I smoke broccoli"

  8. Mayaxaya

    1. Chrizk0


      This guy will probably get excited for how many comments there are in this status

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hate in you're heart will consume you too

  10. Just found out there's a damn Daniel game on the AppStore ... Why ?

  11. I'm gonna go on a school trip for a week, starting from Monday, so don't expect me to be around much

  12. Nose is all stuffed.. Can't really smell food

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