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ViP Pro
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Everything posted by Clarify

  1. Hope this is still working. Cheers
  2. Try Tweaks Manager
  3. the god mode on here is for ViP users, ^ they're looking for a free version
  4. i know i meant folder, i don't have a folder for it in System i even searched my whole root and saw nothing
  5. i forgot to send you the link.. my bad , i dont see a Watchdog file at bottom https://imgur.com/a/8p1IRX5
  6. hope this shows everything you wanted
  7. I wasn't able to find the Watchdog folder in /System/Library but I was able to find a ThermalMonitor folder in which I found maxGPU but nothing for maxCPU in the info.plist. Should I change the maxGPU there or is that the wrong place
  8. Alright, I'll rejailbreak and do it now. Hopefully it works
  9. what happens if my phone hits the CPU and is trying to go over, will anything crash? And what do you recommend I set those values to
  10. without jailbreak my phone isn't hot and my battery doesn't drain fast. It's something with the jailbreak idk if its a tweak I have or just the checkra1n jailbreak itself
  11. currently at 79 but was at 82 a few days ago, now that i see its dropped this much im completely removing jailbreak until I can find a working fix
  12. I’m on IOS 13.1 using the CheckRa1n jailbreak and the battery life is dying fast. Not only is the percent dropping fast, to the point where i can watch it for a minute and see it go down a bunch but in BatterLife app from cydia i can also see the overall health of my battery drain. I’ve tried installing a tweak called powerlogHelperdFix which is supposed to help this but it doesn’t change anything. My phone also gets really hot whenever i activate my jailbreak and i’m curious if anyone knows a fix for this. I have tried using terminal to see what’s using all my CPU and stuff and didn’t see anything major stick out. I do have a handful of tweaks installed but I didn’t notice this problem immediately after downloading one. I kinda typed a lot for a simple question but i just wanted you to know exactly what’s happening. Thanks !
  13. no idea, you'd have to ask the devs of those tweaks
  14. if you have a iphone 5s-iphoneX and have a mac download the CheckRa1n jailbreak from https://checkrain.com/
  15. yea sorry, updated post
  16. Hello, I've recently jailbroken my iPhone X on IOS 13.1 with CheckRa1n. I've been able to workaround must of my problems on it but I can't seem to install any Terminal apps. I've tried a couple now and whenever they install and I respring they never show up on my homescreen. I hope someone can help me fix this problem. Thanks for your time
  17. Tweaks that are Compatible with the Latest CheckRa1n JB on IOS 13 Devices Disclaimer *Some tweaks might require a purchase, most you should be able to find a cracked version of within Cydia if so* Tweak List - 1. Apaturize 2. Artisty 3. AutoUnlockX 4. BarMoji 5. Batchomatic 6. BatteryPercent12 7. BetterCCXI 8. CCCalc 9. CCModules 10. Camera Tools 11. Canvas 12. Cercube 13. ChromaHomeBarX 14. CircleIcons 15. Clean Home Screen 16. Clean Player 17. ClearDock12 18. ColorMyBattery 19. Dark Keys 20. DeleteForever 21. DismissAnywhere 22. DismissProgress 23. DoubleCut 24. EasySwitcherX 25. Filza Files Manager 26. Flame 27. FloatingDock 28. Fluid Tabs 29. FiveDock13 30. Gestures13 31. HideBarX 32. HideYourApps 33. HideStatusBarItems 34. HomePlus 35. JellyFish 36. Keyboard Accio 37. LibertyLite 38. Lotus 39. LocationFakerX 40. LowBatteryBanner 41. MakeRespringsGreatAgain 42. Manila 43. MessageTypingIndicators 44. Mitsuha Infinity 45. MagmaPro 46. NewGridSwitcher 47. NextUp2 48. NoDNDBanner 49. NoLowPowerAutoLock 50. Noctis Neo 51. OhMyFlash 52. PasscodeText 53. Power app 54. powerlogHelperdFix 55. PullToRespring 56. RealCC 57. RomanPasscode 58. Shy Page Dots 59. Sylph 60. Silent Screenshot 61. SimplePasscodeButtons 62. SleepyTime 63. SmallSiri 64. Snowboard 65. Speed Intensifier 66. StatusSwitcher 67. Succession 68. Sunflower 69. SwipeForMore 70. Shuffle 71. SimplePasscodeButtons 72. TapTapFlip 73. TapticKeys 74. Tweak Count 2 75. TweakCompatible 76. Vesta 77. WishDia 78. Xen HTML 79. Zebra More coming soon... Repo List - [Hidden Content] Use the tweak Flame to copy and paste all the repo's at once. All of these tweaks are tested and working on my device. If you run into issues send me a message with info on your device and I will try to help. Unable to find the tweak in Cydia with my repo's? Visit https://www.ios-repo-updates.com/ to search the name and get the repo it's located in I hope this helps everyone hopping on the IOS 13 JB wave. Enjoy! - With love from Clarify
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