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    iPhone 14 Pro
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  1. Finally. Even if you don't get to have it fixed we still appreciate it. Thanks bunch!
  2. Any updates on this Mr @@DiDA? It has beena long time comin...
  3. Mind you pay subscription of $5 a month so he said.
  4. I sure would! Even if I have to pay a monthly subscription fee for it as long as it doesn't crash like this. Theres some dude on sinfuliphone.com who made a proxy and charged people $25 and each person gets his own password for both Global and JP proxies of it.
  5. DiDA dude I think its better if you made individual passwords but each person has to pay you lets say 20 bucks. So the proxy doesnt go into meltdown after 3 hours and for people to stop pestering you to have it fixed. Saves you time and stress so you wont keep telling people to logoutoftheserverwhenyouredone LMFAO!
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