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Status Replies posted by Arberlicous

  1. To write with a broken pencil is pointless.

    1. Arberlicous


      Life without DiDA is like a broken pencil; pointless

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  2. Sometimes I wonder why I don't use the shoutbox. Then I read what has been written in the shoutbox and understand why

  3. Sometimes I wonder why I don't use the shoutbox. Then I read what has been written in the shoutbox and understand why

  4. All this time, I have been replying to topics instead of hitting the thanks button. I never knew

  5. All this time, I have been replying to topics instead of hitting the thanks button. I never knew

  6. All this time, I have been replying to topics instead of hitting the thanks button. I never knew

  7. 1000 thanks never imagined this xD thanks guys :D

    1. Arberlicous


      How many chromosomes ago did you start hacking

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  8. All this time, I have been replying to topics instead of hitting the thanks button. I never knew

    1. Arberlicous


      I never read the stuff on the hidden content box. I just copied what everyone else was doing in the comments

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. 1000 thanks never imagined this xD thanks guys :D

  10. making savegames, if anyone has a prefer, add a comment with your game then :p

  11. making savegames, if anyone has a prefer, add a comment with your game then :p

    1. Arberlicous


      I have probably said this a million times now. Hack this war of mine

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. Family Is Like Music, Some High Notes, Some Low Notes, But Always A Beautiful Song

  13. Although I no longer play "This War of Mine", it is one of those games I would like to finish. Anyone working on a hack?

  14. "My toaster isnt working" said the man. "Have you tried using it in safe mode" said DiDA.

  15. Ok so i wonf be doing accounts related to pron

  16. Iosgods not working on puffin browser :(

  17. Send me a PM if you want an private account where you could only access it and you can change the email and password

  18. I'm Albanian but I never go holiday in Albania! There's other places in the world. Life's not all about going same place year in year out

  19. DON'T STARVE: POCKET EDITION... Hack it now

    1. Arberlicous


      The game doesn't even work for a large portion of their buyers

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  20. I like Turtles

    1. Arberlicous


      Turtle penis... Never will it be erased from my mind

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)


    #GrowingUpAlbanian when you explain to people your Albanian not albino cos they wondering why your not so white

  22. Does iosgods have a repository on cydia? Where someone could add the most popular of the hacks.

    1. Arberlicous


      I personally love iosgods the way it is, it's just that a repo would make it more easily accessible to everyone

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  23. Does iosgods have a repository on cydia? Where someone could add the most popular of the hacks.

    1. Arberlicous


      What does it matter if they are updated or not?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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