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    iPhone 6
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  • Jailbroken
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    Somewhere You're Not
  • Interests
    iOS and Android Security Researching, Hacking (Still Figuring Out), App/Tweak Development, Objective C and C++ Learning. Any help is great!

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  1. I got it working by signing out of GameCenter
  2. Hopefully  I can rank up to Cheaters or Novice Cheaters

  3. Pou does have cheat detection cause the coins wouldn't load until i turned on no cheat detection. atleast for me
  4. [ ] Game: Pou iTunes Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pou/id575154654?mt=8 Bundle ID: com.me.pou: Hack Requirements: - Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. - iFile or Filza - Cydia Substrate (from Cydia). - PreferenceLoader (from Cydia). Hack Features: - Many Coins - High Level - Pou Not Hungry - No Cheat Detection (MUST TURN ON) - Coins Dont Decrease After Shopping Hack Download Link: [Hidden Content] Installation Instructions: Step 1: Download the .deb hack file from the link above. Step 2: Copy the file over to your iDevice using any of the file managers mentioned above or skip this step if you're downloading from your iDevice. Step 3: Using iFile or Filza, browse to where you saved the downloaded file and tap on it. Step 4: Once you tap on the file, you will then need to press on 'Installer' or 'Install' from the options on your screen. Step 5: Let iFile / Filza finish the cheat installation. Step 6: Now open your iDevice settings and scroll down until you see the settings for this cheat and tap on it. If you do not see the cheat settings, respring or reboot your iDevice and make sure you have met all the requirements mentioned above. Step 7: Turn on the features you want and then open the game. Credits: -@CorruptedHxR Hack Video: N/A Will Upload Later on Channel: http://youtube.com/StarSunSunny (Do Subscribe If You Can)
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