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Aloha boom boom

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Community Answers

  1. 1. i do 2. i do 3.i do 4.i got it working, i used another class which pointer actually worked
  2. Hello, I‘ve been trying to access the first Field of this class which is static. Class So i got the address of the class here and turned it to a hex value. Address Then i tried to add 0xb8 to it so i get the pointer to the static fields. The 0xb8 is the size of il2cppClass_1. Struct At the end my code looks like this. Code The base address points to a pointer pointing to 2000aee9. But when running the tweak, the game crashes and i get this crash log. It crashes when adding + 0xb8 to my base address. Crash Log Can someone please help me? Thanks
  3. Hello, i‘ve recently came across something that made me able to hook on jailed. Does anyone need a tutorial on it? I dont want to make a tutorial when no one needs it.
  4. Mshook doesnt work on jailed pretty sure
  5. hi i i have latest mac os
  6. My game crashes when i try the hook script. This happends at h5frida.getgadget. I also put the files into the .app folder and renamed nothing
  7. Mac M2 chip. The java file doesnt run.
  8. Hello, can you help me? The tool doesnt work it tells me that there are exeptions in thread main.
  9. @Rook Yes i have, it doesn’t work sadly.
  10. I‘ve been trying to make a speed mod in Dead by Daylight for a few months, but just couldn‘t find a function which handles speed. Can someone tell me which function does it or help me find it?
  11. Thanks Thanks Thanks
  12. Hello, So i know that its easier to mod Unity games if they are compiled in Mono and not Il2cpp, but how do i figure that out?
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