So I used the VIP jailbroken of this about 3 days ago before updating my device and I'm not sure how all the coding works to make the cracked IPA have the same hacks in it but I have some speculation to make this hack top knotch.
So just like the VIP jailbroken version the "instant ex gauge" does not function properly. It no longer instant fills since a few updates back but when the hack for it is active the ex gauge fails to fill at all and this is no good since it's like a super move.
Secondly I know in the jailbroken version there was a "boss doesn't attack hack". We need this for sure. My stage timers have increased nearly 50% when using the auto clear features of the game. Since the boss can attack he staggers you and knocks you down over and over again. So if you could add this one I'd really appreciate it.
Finally if you could add the "monster level 1" from the jailbroken version to this one but only for the monster wave dungeon it would be absolutely perfect. The monster level one works in normal stages but often leads to the game glitching and not giving you rewards and experience from that stage you cleared. It does however work flawlessly in monster wave dungeon.
All in all you guys doing a great job my friend and I will continue to support you as long as you keep them updates coming out, thanks a ton you make these games so much more enjoyable and I hope my insight can assist you!
the monster level 1 or One hit KO hack never working in tower of tribulation so I wouldn't cross your fingers for it man