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  1. Requirements: - Filza File Manager/iFILE - Jailbreak *Please make a backup of your keychain-2.db before modifying it.* Instructions: Step 1: Delete the game. Step 2: Log out from game center. Step 3: OPEN Filza and OPEN /var/Keychains/keychain-2.db with SQlite3Editor (just tap on it). Step 4: Open the "genp" table and then type at the top: [Hidden Content] and hit Search then Done so that it gets SAVED. Step 5: Reboot your iDevice. Step 6: Download and install the game again. Step 7: Now you're able to create a new account. Step 8: Close the game but keep it in the background (don't kill it from multitasking). Step 9: Log back into game center. Step 10: In game you'll now be asked if you want to use your old ACCOUNT or keep the new one. Step 11: Use the same method for all gameloft games one at a time. IF YOU LIKED THE TUTORIAL GIVE A THANKS :D Special thanks to Sunsaya AND @@DiDA for the tutorial HELP! Tested and working on: - Dungeon Hunter 5 - Dungeon Hunter 4 - Gangstar Vegas - Asphalt 8 - World At Arms - Six Guns - delete this table also: 94B2LB857N.com.gameloft.Bullet - Thor:The Dark World - Modern Combat 5 - Gangstar Rio - Amazing Spider-Man 2 - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - N.O.V.A 3 - Age of Sparta - Disney Magic Kingdoms - More! Gameloft Resetting Tool: http://iosgods.com/topic/6235-gameloft-unban-cheat-tool/
  2. i never tried it on Dh5 rather tested it on gangster Vegas and asphalt 8 it unbanned me from the game on my device!
  3. Yes it unbanned me.great work!
  4. @DiDA it works on all gameloft games.tested on gangster Vegas,asphalt 8.
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