What i like from the site is:
The Staff: Staff are always in top shape, they follow the rules of the site like no other.
The Members: Members here are more active they contribute with there hacks, Tips, Tricks.
The Site: This is the 1st site i join that dont have the Rank system and still keep his members posting up, this is new for me and new for a community as this one.
Mobile View: Like how on iPad i can still view the site in a slick nice theme with so low files, this make my ipad and my connection run fast as hell.
The Owner: DIDA,since he hit me up on facebook his been very kind and very helpful, i like how he puts his site before himself.
The Overall: From me i will like to see new Forums been created to over try to beat this site, i think iAppHacks is our top Primary enemy and if we keep like this we will remain top #1 of iOS Hacking Community Site..
Keep up the good work.