So, this isn't really related to any iOS / Android topic as it is. Although, this is where I chose to start.
I'm currently working on a structured work plan for a project of mine. It includes:
Choosing platform (Engine)
Design (UI, Models, Structure etc)
Base system (The way I wish the project to move towards)
Progression all includes
As of right now I have server hosts and URL's, a few VMWare's to spare, although, I can't push the draft alone. What I am looking for is:
Experienced web designer
Graphic designer
As my project is a web browsed "Image+Text" game, I'm looking for someone with experience building similar items. Base plan, ideá, basically everything early development is planned out. I don't wanna spoil too much here in the original post, although if it sounds interessting or you feel like you wanna know more, send me a DM.
There will be no payment to start with as I already pay for VMWares , Servers, Hosting, URL's and what not. But there's a plan made out for that as well.