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  1. WARNING: I am not sure if someone has posted this before but I didn't make sure so please don't send hate at me So I was going to install a package when I came along this error: dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege Don't worry there is a fix: Requirements: MTerminal Filza Or iFile Package you wanted to install but couldn't So First: Open Up Your File Manager, I used Filza for this, find the package and click on the "I" ( information ) Now click Open With... And Choose Installer Go Back And Click On The Package and Click Install Copy Something That Looks Like This: dpkg -i "/var/mobile/Documents/NAME OF FILE" ; Copy that Text and Go to Terminal and Type "su" Type your password: If you haven't used Terminal on iOS before your password will be "alpine" Put that and now paste that code... BOOM! You are done! Hopefully I helped you out! Any Problems? Leave a comment and I'll answer you ASAP! Bye.
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