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  1. If I alter the value of a number within a game and the value changes only visually, what am I doing wrong? I mean that visually in the game it says that I have 999 grenades but when I enter the match it returns to the original number of 190! 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sinviu


      Which game is it? Maybe i can try it and confirm whether you did it correctly or if its server sided


    3. Boza


      How I can know that bro? @Ahmedoo94

    4. Boza


      Hi, the name of the game is Afterpulse Elite Army @Sinviu I hope u can teach me 🤝

    5. Boza


      Any new bro ? @Sinviu I keep trying but the end result always changes :(

    6. Ahmedoo94
  2. Hello, there is some anti ban or bypass to be able to play pubg mobile to be able to play without detecting the jailbreak, I just want to play, I do not want hacks or mods. 

    1. Laxus


      Try vnodebypass or play in safe mode

    2. Boza


      Let me try if it works

  3. Private video I can’t see the tutorial
  4. I have seen that in some games there are people who with the code of an item (Gun or Gear) can add new items to their game. I've been in filza for more than a week and I swear I've already read the entire game file but I don't know how or where to look exactly, could someone help me at least with the basics so I can learn to do it myself! To be clearer and give a good example I will use a post respawnables that I saw a long time ago in this forum [Updated] Respawnables 10.6.0 Bundle Hack [All Versions] How can you see he uses a basic item code, I want to learn how to do that, I only need a code the others I will look for myself I just want to know how to do it Thanks in advance
  5. 🎖️
  6. Hello @LukeDXD I tried to do it with DLG and also with IGG but the only value that I could modify was the one for the grenades, but when I exit the game and enter again, the value returns to the original number and not to the one that I have modified. I also tried to do it with filza but I did not succeed A few days ago I saw a post about a game from the same company (respawnables) and I talked a bit with the one who posted it but even though he explained his method to me, I couldn't understand it, I'll leave you the link so you can take a look maybe you can understand it better, it would be great to be able to use that method to add Weapons and sets to my game { The post what i said } [ https://iosgods.com/topic/125582-updated-respawnables-1060-bundle-hack-all-versions/ ] Thank you very much for answering I will be attentive to your answer friend 🤜🏾🤛🏾
  7. Add to the list: Name of App: Afterpulse Link to iTunes: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/afterpulse-elite-army/id990922593?l=es Link to Tutorial: No @LukeDXD
  8. 🎖️
  9. Boza

    ESP code

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