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  1. thank you mate
  2. First Ramdan Kareem the to answer to your questions 1 - YES 2 It is an act of worship, a chance to get closer to God, and a way to become more compassionate to those in need. Fasting is also seen as a way to learn patience and break bad habits. It is a month where Muslims are able to focus on praying, giving money to charity and spending time with their loved ones.
  3. thats a huge amazing work but i was wondering what about getting banned i mean there was a cheat before that ruined my account thanks 🙏
  4. would kindly tell me how to disable memory check just show me the way thank you yeah probably i am trying to hack other stuff in the game thank you
  5. hello guys i am trying to hack an ios games called slots on tour i found set_coin and get_coin same for gems this is how it looks and i found away when i bet instead of sub i changed it to add it works but after few sec it goes back to the original value is there anyway to hack this slot game like to get free spin or respin anything might be useful i've learned alot the past two weeks but still im a noob thank you regards __text:000000010070E4FC UserProgress$$set_coins ; DATA XREF: __const:0000000102855158↓o __text:000000010070E4FC LDR X8, [X0,#0x10] __text:000000010070E500 ADD X9, X8, #0x40 ; '@' __text:000000010070E504 ADD X10, X0, #0x18 __text:000000010070E508 CMP X8, #0 __text:000000010070E50C CSEL X8, X10, X9, EQ __text:000000010070E510 STR X1, [X8] __text:000000010070E514 RET __text:000000010070E514 ; End of function UserProgress$$set_coins __text:000000010070E4E0 UserProgress$$get_coins ; CODE XREF: ProjectLeanplumAttribution$$SendInGameAttribution+1B4↑p __text:000000010070E4E0 ; SyncPopupGroupController$$SetData+58↑p __text:000000010070E4E0 ; DATA XREF: ... __text:000000010070E4E0 LDR X8, [X0,#0x10] __text:000000010070E4E4 ADD X9, X8, #0x40 ; '@' __text:000000010070E4E8 ADD X10, X0, #0x18 __text:000000010070E4EC CMP X8, #0 __text:000000010070E4F0 CSEL X8, X10, X9, EQ __text:000000010070E4F4 LDR X0, [X8] __text:000000010070E4F8 RET __text:000000010070E4F8 ; End of function UserProgress$$get_coins
  6. Name of the game you want hacked: slots on tour Version of the game: 2.8.1 iTunes Link for the app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/slots-on-tour-wild-hd-casino/id1214357800 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: jailbroken Requested Features: anything would be great thanks
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