Memoria v0.6.3.1 is a save editor for Final Fantasy IX and works across multiple platforms including IOS. It has been made by gjoerulv.
Just open up your save file inside memoria and edit away. It has lots of options including changing items, levels, stats, gil etc.
To get your save file upload your save on cloud from title menu then you can copy and move that file to your pc using something like filza on ios and imazing file browser on pc/mac. Once editted, replace the file on your device with the editted one. Restart game and download in cloud.
FF IX cloud save file dir: /var/mobile/Library/iCloud~com~square~enix~final-fantasy-ix-ww/Documents/FF9_SaveDocument
Or just search that on filza.
Download: Memoria
Original post:
Note: All credit goes to author gjoerulv. You can thank him if you want on the above link.