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Everything posted by Ahmzzz

  1. HD print of The Super Mario Bros. Movie is here 

  2. What should I say next, should I talk about some cars?
    Or the next chapter of my life, and show you all my scars.

  3. Hey @Rook Why don't we use this area of the header proper ad posters as background image? put this area on rent. 

    1. Ahmzzz
    2. Ahmzzz


      sorry forgot to add the screenshot url 

    3. Rook


      You mean put ads in there?

      We generally don't have any ads on the board index, and I don't think anyone would like ads there.

  4. What are the best free websites to watch anime? 

    1. Rook


      I think we have a topic on this!

    2. Ahmzzz


      Let me search that. Thank you. 

  5. Congratulations to all non-jailbreak users.
  6. Let me check how people were able to do it back in 2015 Apparently people are still using this way infact through online free credit card generators. You just need to find the right bin.
  7. 4 hours left then we'll be able to know about something great here. Lets see what it is. Fingers crossed. 

    1. Hiyo37


      Anything yet

  8. Twitter is blocked here can't even check if iOSGods got a new certificate. 

    1. AlyssaX64


      Blocked where ? 

    2. Ahmzzz


      in Pakistan. Due to some political drama. Youtube facebok and insta was blocked too but they unblocked it now we're waiting for ggovt to unblock twitter. 

    3. Ahmzzz


      Are we signed again? I need to update the status on facebook so can you please check that for me?

    4. Rook


      No, no. Not yet!

    5. Ahmzzz


      Got it. Thanks. Also, would it be possible for you to spare a moment for me 🥹🥹 🥹

  9. If I have whatsapp and whatsapp for business installed. Is there a way I can have 3-4 whatsapp in my jailedbroken iphone? 

  10. Packing.... Gonna travel to my home city for few days ♥♥♥


  11. Anyone from Netherland here?

  12. Is there any hack for Youtube Movies & TV?

  13. Check out my Cover Photo. Are you able to view full image when you click on it?

    1. Rook


      Yes! The hat is cropped off

    2. Ahmzzz


      oh that means I gotta create it in a different resolution. I though if we click on it it will show whole image.

    3. Ahmzzz


      Repositioned it for nw. I'm  gonna fix it today so visitors can view complete cover photo without clicking on it. It will be easier if you can share the resolution size of cover photos. Do you know it?

  14. nice.... I'll checkk it in a moment.
  15. Would it work on ios or android only?
  16. what do you mean bro can you please explain?
  17. How to I get this developer mode in ios?
  18. This is nice... This is for android users right? have you created mod for ios? and were you able to hack coins or gems as well? Also please upload your hack on iosgods too so others can have fun with this game too.
  19. "You can also try converting installed app into *.IPA using Filza. Here's how you can try that. Requirements: Filza Target app for installed on the device and working properly (not crashing or prompting Apple ID) Appsync Jailbroken iDevice Instructions: 1. Let's take "Perk Wallet" for example. Open Filza and Find out where Application folder is. Usually it can be located in /var/mobile/Applications OR /var/containers/Bundle/Application yours will be one of these too. If it's not one, it's the other. 2. Find the folder of the app you want to convert in Applications folder. It is organized by name and there should be another folder in there with the extension .app. 3. Tap Edit, select Perk Wallet.app, and tap Copy. 4. You need a "staging area" to build an ipa file. Recommend /var/mobile/Documents. Go there and make a new folder and label it. Here label it as Payload. You must name it exactly that, or this will not work. 5. Enter the Payload folder, and paste the Perk Wallet.app you copied earlier by tapping the clipboard icon and then Paste. 6. Only Follow step 6 & 7 if you want to install that ipa as a duplicate other skip to step 8. Go into Perk Wallet.app and find Info.plist. Tap it and it will open in Filza's plist editor. 7. Find CFBundleIdentifier, and tap the info button. You need to change the value so it is unique. Here we put "2" at the end. Then go back, tap Save, and then Done. 8. Go back 2 pages so now you are in /var/mobile/Documents. Tap Edit, select Payload, choose More, and tap Create ZIP. This will make a new file called Payload.zip. Tag Edit, select Payload.zip, and choose Rename. Change zip to ipa. This should leave you with a file named Payload.ipa 9. Now tap Payload.ipa and choose Install. If it says Done, congrats!
  20. If you're a jailbroken user OR you're able to install a *.deb file. I would suggest you to use AfSocial tweak as an alternate of Cercube . I moved from Cercube to Afsocial, because it has all the features of Cercube , moreover Afsocial supports Almost every famous platform like instead of Rocket for Instagram I'm using Afsocial because it has all features of it maybe more than Rocket for Instagram. At that time Cercube don't let me download Shorts or save videos to my gallery, however I can remove ads, download videos to my gallery download shorts to my gallery. copy the title copy the description and make other changes to Youtube like hiding buttons or features for more minimalistic look. and I never had any login issue.
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