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Everything posted by Theo

  1. Check out my Cover Photo. Are you able to view full image when you click on it?

    1. Rook


      Yes! The hat is cropped off

    2. Theo


      oh that means I gotta create it in a different resolution. I though if we click on it it will show whole image.

    3. Theo


      Repositioned it for nw. I'm  gonna fix it today so visitors can view complete cover photo without clicking on it. It will be easier if you can share the resolution size of cover photos. Do you know it?

  2. nice.... I'll checkk it in a moment.
  3. Would it work on ios or android only?
  4. what do you mean bro can you please explain?
  5. How to I get this developer mode in ios?
  6. This is nice... This is for android users right? have you created mod for ios? and were you able to hack coins or gems as well? Also please upload your hack on iosgods too so others can have fun with this game too.
  7. "You can also try converting installed app into *.IPA using Filza. Here's how you can try that. Requirements: Filza Target app for installed on the device and working properly (not crashing or prompting Apple ID) Appsync Jailbroken iDevice Instructions: 1. Let's take "Perk Wallet" for example. Open Filza and Find out where Application folder is. Usually it can be located in /var/mobile/Applications OR /var/containers/Bundle/Application yours will be one of these too. If it's not one, it's the other. 2. Find the folder of the app you want to convert in Applications folder. It is organized by name and there should be another folder in there with the extension .app. 3. Tap Edit, select Perk Wallet.app, and tap Copy. 4. You need a "staging area" to build an ipa file. Recommend /var/mobile/Documents. Go there and make a new folder and label it. Here label it as Payload. You must name it exactly that, or this will not work. 5. Enter the Payload folder, and paste the Perk Wallet.app you copied earlier by tapping the clipboard icon and then Paste. 6. Only Follow step 6 & 7 if you want to install that ipa as a duplicate other skip to step 8. Go into Perk Wallet.app and find Info.plist. Tap it and it will open in Filza's plist editor. 7. Find CFBundleIdentifier, and tap the info button. You need to change the value so it is unique. Here we put "2" at the end. Then go back, tap Save, and then Done. 8. Go back 2 pages so now you are in /var/mobile/Documents. Tap Edit, select Payload, choose More, and tap Create ZIP. This will make a new file called Payload.zip. Tag Edit, select Payload.zip, and choose Rename. Change zip to ipa. This should leave you with a file named Payload.ipa 9. Now tap Payload.ipa and choose Install. If it says Done, congrats!
  8. If you're a jailbroken user OR you're able to install a *.deb file. I would suggest you to use AfSocial tweak as an alternate of Cercube . I moved from Cercube to Afsocial, because it has all the features of Cercube , moreover Afsocial supports Almost every famous platform like instead of Rocket for Instagram I'm using Afsocial because it has all features of it maybe more than Rocket for Instagram. At that time Cercube don't let me download Shorts or save videos to my gallery, however I can remove ads, download videos to my gallery download shorts to my gallery. copy the title copy the description and make other changes to Youtube like hiding buttons or features for more minimalistic look. and I never had any login issue.
  9. Keep your head up and make your mind strong
    It's a struggle everyday but you gotta hold on

    1. Rook
    2. Theo


      Love em forever ♥

  10. How many of you are using Watusi 3 tweak for WhatsApp?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Theo


      that's strange I never had this issue infact I never faced a single bug. are you jailbroken? or used a whatsapp with pre injected watusi?


    3. Flugel


      Jailed device and pre injected

    4. Theo


      just install whatsapp from appstore and install watusi tweak from repo use cracktool to crack it and it should work fine. 


    5. Flugel


      my device non-jailbreak, cant use repo or cracktool

    6. Theo


      oh ok ok. Then you shouldn't use it. coz you might not be able to backup your whatsapp chats too. 


  11. Man thank you for requesting this app. I was seeing alot of videos on internet and non of the people told me how they are making these videos. After seeing this app I'm sure it got all those effects I was impressed by.
  12. Facebook and Twitter are down in my country and there are messages I need to respond to :(

    1. RamL BuTt

      RamL BuTt

      i know about brother I'm from Pk new govt involve all this with Ar.. you know

    2. Theo


      I hope it will be unblocked soon. using vpn for youtube and not risking my facebook ids coz they can get blocked because of vpn

    3. Theo


      Yup obviously they are involved. since elections are near parties will do anything to put eachother in jail. btw today, supreme court announced his arrest as illegal. Also, which city are you from?

    4. RamL BuTt

      RamL BuTt

      gujrat 🙂

    5. Theo


      Nice meeting you brother. I'm a Lahori living in Islamabad. 

  13. @RookOne of a member on Facebook is asking "will Apps installed from sideloadly stay installed forever or these apps can be  revoked too?

    1. Rook


      I think this is explained in the Sideloadly FAQ but if using a normal Apple ID, every 7 days you’ll have to refresh and Sideloadly can do this for you automatically.

      A paid Apple ID’s apps can last 365 days.

    2. Theo


      Thank you. 

  14. my place has been robbed. lost everything! 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Puddin


      Well that sucks 

    3. 𓄼 . f v c k . 𓄹
    4. Courage0723


      ....good luck man!!

    5. Theo


      Thanks everyone. Well lost almost everything. 


    6. Ravino


      What!!!!! F*ck man sorry to hear that 😭😭🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 I hope everything goes well for u goodluck bro u have my prayers and wishes 🙏🏼 I hope they catch that Piece of sh!t 

  15. this is a good one. I hope someone look into this.
  16. My device was unstable or maybe because of the ads but my iGG was not working fine I've shared that with rook and found it that its due to instability. That's why I was asking people if someone can check it for me. and NOW my phone's screen is broken
  17. @Rook If Custom Install feature is in iOSGods App+ and it is out of stock does that many no one can use Custom Install feature at the moment?

  18. @Rook Can I have high resolution PNG files of all iosgods logos and icon packs?

    1. Puddin
    2. Theo
    3. Rook


      Is this for the Discord server?

    4. Puddin
    5. Theo


      @Rook nope its not. It's for designing cover photos etc. not for discord. 

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