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Community Answers

  1. You need to wait until DiDA approves your purchase.
  2. This topic was moved from Free Non-Jailbroken IPA Cheats to Hack Requests.
  3. Depends on which ones you've seen and what you consider horror.
  4. Don't think you can remove them normally.
  5. We have been debating whether or not we should keep the ChatBox on iOSGods for a while now. Before rushing to any conclusion, we as staff felt it would be best to put it to a vote by the community. If you want to keep ChatBox, comment below why you want it to stay on iOSGods. State some positives. If you want the ChatBox to get removed, comment below why you want it gone. State why you wouldn't miss the ChatBox. 😧 -D&K
  6. Stop triggering me today
  7. With Thanksgiving currently happening in America, and with Black Friday and Cyber Monday just around the corner, what a better time than to have a solid discount on our current ViP prices! Starting NOW, use coupon code IGBLACKFRIDAY18 when checking out for 40% off your ViP subscription. This coupon code applies to ViP & Non-Jailbroken ViP +3 Months, ViP - 2 Months & ViP - 3 Months. You cannot stack ViP purchases with this coupon, you can only buy 1 ViP package. If you purchase with a subscription already active, please contact DiDA. Happy Holidays! - D&K
  8. This topic was moved from General Cydia to Help & Support.
  9. We might or might not have a subreddit now. Lets see how long it takes for them to take it down. :fight:

  10. What the hell is this Rank lmao.

    1. HimaAli


      Why can’t I get vip acc

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