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Status Replies posted by mitosis

  1. I hate being sick

  2. Next goal: 600K members

  3. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm back, made my first comeback by getting banned from sb

  4. 14th April , My birthday :cake:

  5. "anonymous" is my middle name

  6. I had to make my Photoshop canvas into 16K resolution just to fit DiDAs forehead.

  7. Having a job is tiring -.-

  8. When I leave the door, it stays

  9. When I leave the door, it stays

  10. I left the shoutbox, so I came here instead. Let's have a conversation!

  11. Everyday accomplishment, starts with the decision to try.

  12. Everyday accomplishment, starts with the decision to try.

  13. Signature of the Week #5 is almost ready for you voters! Also, we have recently been sponsored by Pepsi and Microsoft, so big thanks to them!

  14. When I open a door, the door opens.

  15. i think i found a way to get iOSGods Rich AsF if people just want to help. it's free and all you have to do is install a thing and then afk

  16. i think i found a way to get iOSGods Rich AsF if people just want to help. it's free and all you have to do is install a thing and then afk

  17. if this status get 50 comments, I will drink 2 bottles of water NO JOKE! If you spam I will not do it.

  18. If this comment gets 5 reply, i will drink 2 cups of diahydron monoxide

  19. If this comment gets 5 reply, i will drink 2 cups of diahydron monoxide

  20. If this comment gets 5 reply, i will drink 2 cups of diahydron monoxide

  21. if this status get 50 comments, I will drink 2 bottles of water NO JOKE! If you spam I will not do it.

  22. if this status get 50 comments, I will drink 2 bottles of water NO JOKE! If you spam I will not do it.

  23. if this status gets 50 comments, without spamming, I'll attempt to chop my 32" flat screen in half and record it

  24. if this status gets 50 comments, without spamming, I'll attempt to chop my 32" flat screen in half and record it

  25. if this status gets 50 comments, without spamming, I'll attempt to chop my 32" flat screen in half and record it

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