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Status Replies posted by mitosis

  1. I miss having a jailbroken phone, ugh

  2. officially online for 2 weeks :)

  3. officially online for 2 weeks :)

  4. officially online for 2 weeks :)

  5. (X/100) + (Y/66) = (3X+5Y)/Z. What is Z?

  6. Hey guys, if you could stop PMing me for Clash of Clans hacks, that'd be great

  7. (X/100) + (Y/66) = (3X+5Y)/Z. What is Z?

  8. 5+4+24*3*12-36+34=

  9. 5+4+24*3*12-36+34=

  10. 5+4+24*3*12-36+34=

  11. 5+4+24*3*12-36+34=

  12. 5+4+24*3*12-36+34=

  13. My babe DiDA said he had an idea... Im 2 excited to find out :D

  14. i have no friends

  15. One time my mom called me a "son of a b*tch", so I hit her because no one talks trash about my mom, then I hit myself because no one hits my mom, she then hit me because no one hits her son and then hit herself because no one hits me, so I hit her because no one hits my mom.

  16. اللهم إني أسألك خير هذه اليوم:فتحه ونصره ونوره وبركته وهداه وأعوذ بك من شر ما فيه وشر ما بعده

  17. وقيل للذين اتقوا ماذا أنزل ربكم قَالوا خيرا للذين أحسنوا في هـذه الدنيا حسنة ولدار الآخرة خير ولنعم دار المتقين ﴿٣٠﴾ -- سورة النحل #Quran

  18. fun fact: An average person’s yearly fast food intake will contain 12 pubic hairs.

  19. 2 more like till my rep reaches 100

  20. What is love? *music starts*

  21. you are on my mind <3

  22. you are on my mind <3

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