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Everything posted by bry

  1. Can anyone confirm this still works? It was working for a bit, but now it won't work at all.
  2. Found out the reason, Instafollow and this app use the same user database. If you got some followers queued in one of the apps, the other one won't send followers until the other one finishes.
  3. It's the same hack though isn't it? I also made a custom hack for this app using Flex, you can do the same hack to the app as Instafollow to bypass follow/like limit.
  4. Ain't this the same as http://iosgods.com/topic/18462-new-followers-free-plus-get-1000-more-followers-likes-on-instagram/ Why repost?
  5. Does getting followers work for you? I can get likes for my main account, but the followers just stay queued. It's weird though, followers deliver for my dummy accounts. Also I made custom hack in Flex as well for this, basically doing the same hacks as the Instafollow one. Can get rid of follow/likes limits and use dummy accounts to mass build points.
  6. Ah yea thanks, I tried with MGFaker. Tried doing a bunch of different ones in there but still no luck. Not sure what exactly would need to be spoofed though. I'm still on iOS 8.4 as well.
  7. @Alyce do you know exactly how they ban for this app? I think I got one account banned, but when I try to use any others they won't work either. Is there a way to spoof device ID to make it work? It seems like they ban based on device and not instagram account?
  8. Eh, just after I buy followliker? It is great software tho ur page has good engagement tho, so hard to get a lot of comments on fitness pages.
  9. So this is visual only like the rest being posted lately?
  10. Follow my fitness girl IG: https://instagram.com/myfitgirlsworld/

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Gandalf


      your hot lol

    3. Gandalf


      your hot lol

    4. bry


      Ugh, I ain't a chick dude. Sorry to burst your bubble =( lol

    5. bry


      If I was one of those girls though, I'd certainly have fun with myself at night.

    6. NitroxicDemon
  11. Does this still work? Tried spoofing tons of different things, still not working. Time to just buy some accounts then. This is too much work.
  12. Instafollow bugged out? I keep ordering and coins stay :D

  13. lol, this is so dirty. i should mention tho, this similar tactic works for electronics. I haven't paid for a computer mouse in years, each time it breaks i bitch and get 6 replacement so far lol.
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