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Everything posted by bry

  1. Anyone get this to work? I tried faking all the the following that was listed, but still no luck logging in accounts.
  2. What version? Edit: new version they released May 11th seem to fix bug.
  3. Tried all that, it's only certain accounts that have this issue. Other accounts work on the same device. My guess is the dev banned the accounts.
  4. This works, but some users give error saying instagram isn't updated? I don't understand, some users work on my iPhone but others won't. Same exact version of instagram.
  5. Finally purchased VIP like I said I would eventually... :p Thanks Dida for the great site and all who have contributed hacks here.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rook


      And thank you also for your contribution. :)

    3. zzmorg82
    4. Klepto
    5. cu_rry


      Thank you for supporting the community. :

  6. this is already posted here. @Alyce posted original.
  7. Anybody know what iOS new iPhones ship with?

    1. Juku


      Pretty sure latest IOS.

    2. bry


      Ah yea? Sometimes bought previous phones from the carriers that were on the older OS.

    3. Juku


      Oh really? Well I guess it depends. I always got my devices at the latest IOS.

    4. bry


      I know my mom bought an iPad Mini 3 recently, and it wasn't even loaded with iOS 9. You buy from Apple directly or else where?

    5. Juku


      Directly from Apple.



  8. After installing this app and the chinese app, itunes says my computer isn't authorized to sync. Tried removing and adding but nothing. Anyone else have this problem? Also I think this got my new account disabled, had over 40k. Hopefully I can get it back again like my last one.
  9. Possible to upload the .deb file for the second download in the app? I'm just stuck on "waiting" when I try to download the second part of the app. Edit: Looks like I was able to somehow use the first app without downloading the second, you just gotta be quick and start searching for the app to avoid it wanting to install the second.
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