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Everything posted by Spooky1337

  1. Is' only AppCake the App u can handle??? use TuTu App!!!
  2. Wheres Hide? Where is' Game Link? Nice that u post some cool stuff, but pls: use the rules here!
  3. You have to tap with 3 fingers on ur screen, dude. It opens the menu. Closing by the same way
  4. Download with Google.Drive on a IOS Device???
  5. Works fine to open 2800 gem chest with 0 gems. Gems, Gold etc. is' not cheatable. U can only get gems and gold by open the big chest for free. I got 2 million gold now and one Mystical Card!!! Awsome.
  6. testing Only Troop spam does work! If i start the game i see the trophie count is -9999, in match i see a trash but i cant click it. I boosted some sylver chest but no Legends in there... Instand Victory Chest doesnt work too
  7. Game Crash after i "Batch" Ressources. If tested it with Watchdogs and TS Protector, but allways the same: Game Crash. I think, i find to much Ressources with IGG ( 1k and more, if i batch all these, the game will crash).
  8. Yes, i get it. If i click that link again, it said "Certificate allready exsicst".
  9. Hey Angel, i did all the steps - withot any problem - u wroten with Charles Proxy. But, after i enable "SSL Proxying" the game got disconnect from server. if i disable it, the game continues fine. So, i dont know why.
  10. Itunes Game Link: https://appsto.re/de/r01tab.i its a game based like Clash Royal etc. and i like it... You need: Jailbroken Device Localiapstore [Hidden Content] credits: me
  11. Why is that a Game? U only play against AI.
  12. show how it works. i think it doesnt. This File sync with server, it some does not match, it will replaced from server one.
  13. XXXXXX www.iosgods.com iosgods.com I cant login too. But this above is not in my File called Host. so i cant delete anything. The repo u mean does not exist in my cydia. And i only installed GODS Tweaks.
  14. Still have 1 Billion of Diamonds so yes, for me everything is free
  15. For everyone when the App crashes after Hack Installation, follow my Steps! 8 (Made with iPad Air, iOS 9.3.3.) 1. Delete Hack with Cydia (Respring after that!) 2. Delete the Game from ur Device 3. Connect with iTunes on Mac or PC 4. IMPORTANT! Update the Game in iTunes!!! Before you install it on ur Device!!! 5. after UPDATE in iTunes, install the Game (make sure that u have the correct Version installed, look at Appstore for Update Button, when nothing is show, it is Perfect! ) 6. Open Game on ur device and let it load the files from server 7 if u see the mainscreen, close app and kill it from background! 8. Open FILZA 9. Go to: var-mobile-bundle-Application 10. press the blue "i" at "Rival Kingdoms" Mainfolder 11. set permissions: Owner - MOBILE Group - MOBILE (scroll down to the switcher for "for every objects..." and switch it to "yes" or "On") Save and go Back User: Read, Write, Execute Group: Read, Write, Execute World: Read, Write, Execute (scroll down to the switcher for "for every objects..." and switch it to "yes" or "On") Save and go Back 12. Download Hack from here, open in Filza, Install, Respring. 13. Go to Settings and Activate "Mananaaanaa" 14. Enjoy! Everytime make sure to kill the game from background before u change anything! If u play the game, you will see at Matchstart, that u have a very amount of Mannanaaa, but if u press "Fight", there be on "0". Just place some spells, u will see, everyone is activate but grey :-) Dont overuse your shit... (Dont know if u have same Problem with Tavern Login, do this: Open Game without Hack (Deactivate in Settings, before: kill Game from Background!), go to Tavern, Login in with FB, catch ur Rings, close Game, activate Hack, Enjoy. Now u are everytime loged in in Tavern) ---- Special Thanks to DIDA to keep the Hack up to Date! -------------------------------------------------- Im not a Special in English Spelling, but im almost better in German Words --------------------------------------------------
  16. Doesnt Work Man! Done all Instruction, im not a Newbie :-) But if i Click the Game, it crashes! So i cant open Game! Think, we need a "Thin Binary File" Dude (Like the Binary from last Version) Help me out...pls
  17. DONT OVERUSE UR SPELLS IN MULTIPLAYER!!! In Campaigne Mode, it works great, u can spam unlimited lvl 3 Spells. But be carefull at every ONLINE Challenge!
  18. I deleated the game from ipad. Then i was go to itunes on Windows, connected my pad and then i reloaded the game direct from itunes store. After full installation, i installed the hack, and voila: no game close at game start, and unlimited mananna. I used the thin binary from ur post here. 1. reinstall from windows itunes 2. copy and past binary 3. installed the hack 4. enjoy I use apple ID and Game Center to lock in the game. facebook works great with Tavern But now, dear GOD Dida, We need new Hack version for Game 1.0.40
  19. Yes, it works after i re-installed the Game with iTunes. Thx to u guys! ipad Air, IOS 9.3.3
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