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    iPhone 8
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  1. This does not work offline?!?! Please help. It just says that im offline or i need to turn on my network connection. So explain to me how i can use this offline
  2. Please help. I dont get daily gems. And the date and time thing has not done anything for me. Everything else works for me except the unlimited coins and gems so please help me. Also heres my email to contact me by and solve my issue: [email protected]
  3. Ur gameguardian looks different from my one. Thats all. I dont have that igameguardian small i con when you go in the game.
  4. https://www.google.co.nz/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fiosgods.com%2Fapplications%2Fcore%2Finterface%2Fimageproxy%2Fimageproxy.php%3Fimg%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Foi67.tinypic.com%2Ff9gs4x.jpg%26key%3D9a05c482ae4b930dce593ac5540935ebefe14c05e53038632b2d400b7bbe414d&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fiosgods.com%2Ftopic%2F23554-defenders-2-igameguardian%2F&docid=KsMOoMPg1vAwcM&tbnid=GSJa0GbrxX3hZM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiD5ZidrZ7TAhVDnpQKHYBPBt8QMwg8KBgwGA..i&w=1200&h=1600&hl=en-nz&client=safari&bih=460&biw=320&q=igameguardian ios&ved=0ahUKEwiD5ZidrZ7TAhVDnpQKHYBPBt8QMwg8KBgwGA&iact=mrc&uact=8
  5. My igameguardian doesnt look like that!!?!? . Im on ios 9.3.3
  6. Pls help!!! I don't understand how this would work for ios. I tried using igameguardian and gameplayer but it doesn't work. I dont understand!!!! The instructions were not clear enough for ios. Heres my email. Please help. [email protected]
  7. This doesnt even work!!!!!! I got no features even a single bit!!! Im on iphone 5s black. Ios 9.3.3
  8. This is bullcrap. How would i know of i have unlimited data.
  9. umm does this work for 3.9.1?
  10. hey will this help me get six gun hack to work? Cause the six gun hack wont work. And the app is in the right version as well
  11. mine doesnt have the search bar thing
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