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Everything posted by DeMoN3X

  1. SDK 11.2 is present in the path / var / theos / sdks
  2. I have already tried everything, including Darwin-arm in Darwin-arm64 for target and platform, but I still have the error. No, I installed theos sdk 13.1, above this is just the tutorial I used to install theos.
  3. Hello all, Once the project is created, when I do the make package install command, I get this error: https://ibb.co/XbpG02K here is my makefiles: TARGET = iphone:clang:latest:8.0 # THEOS_DEVICE_IP = -p 2222 # install to device from pc ARCHS = arm64 #arm64e DEBUG = 0 FINALPACKAGE = 1 FOR_RELEASE = 1 # 0 to treat warnings as errors, 1 otherwise. IGNORE_WARNINGS=0 # only set this to 1 if you are on mobile theos # assuming you have an sdk at your theos sdks directory # this will include c++ headers and other needed headers for your project so you don't need to manually include them or something like that # if some c++ headers are still missing in your sdk like "initializer_list" then manually copy them to your c++ headers directory and not your project folder # for example in my case c++ headers directory is located at/private/var/theos/sdks/iPhoneOS11.2.sdk/usr/include/c++/4.2.1/ # please note, do not include c++ headers in your theos includes to enable c++ which is a ghetto solution and use this approach instead MOBILE_THEOS=1 ifeq ($(MOBILE_THEOS),1) # path to your sdk SDK_PATH = /var/theos/sdks/iPhoneOS11.2.sdk/ $(info ===> Setting SYSROOT to $(SDK_PATH)...) SYSROOT = $(SDK_PATH) else TARGET = iphone:clang:latest:8.0 endif ## Common frameworks ## PROJ_COMMON_FRAMEWORKS = UIKit Foundation Security QuartzCore CoreGraphics CoreText ## source files ## KITTYMEMORY_SRC = $(wildcard KittyMemory/*.cpp) SCLALERTVIEW_SRC = $(wildcard SCLAlertView/*.m) MENU_SRC = Menu.mm include /var/theos/makefiles/common.mk TWEAK_NAME = bloodyharry2 bloodyharry2_CFLAGS = -fobjc-arc bloodyharry2_CCFLAGS = -std=c++11 -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -DNDEBUG ifeq ($(IGNORE_WARNINGS),1) bloodyharry2_CFLAGS += -w bloodyharry2_CCFLAGS += -w endif bloodyharry2_FILES = Tweak.xm $(MENU_SRC) $(KITTYMEMORY_SRC) $(SCLALERTVIEW_SRC) bloodyharry2_LIBRARIES += substrate bloodyharry2_FRAMEWORKS = $(PROJ_COMMON_FRAMEWORKS) # GO_EASY_ON_ME = 1 include /var/theos/makefiles/tweak.mk internal-package-check:: @chmod 777 versionCheck.sh # Give permission to script @./versionCheck.sh # Script to verify template's current version after-install:: install.exec "killall -9 Bloody Harry || :" I'm on an iphone 7 plus running IOS 12. When installing theos, I selected the in the terminal "theosinstaller 13.1". I used this tutorial for theos: Easy Install Instructions (works on iOS 11 & iOS 12): On iOS 11+, the easiest way to install theos is using jakeashacks' theosinstaller. 1. First of all, add https://jakeashacks.net/cydia/ to your sources in Cydia. 2. Now install the "Theos Installer" package from the repo you just added. 3. Open PuTTY or NewTerm2, run this command as root: theosinstaller 9.3 Replace "9.3" with the SDK version of your choice. 4. Once you run that command, everything will startinstalling automatically and once it's all done, you can run theos using: /var/theos/bin/nic.pl If it can help. Thank you in advance for your help!
  4. Hi, I have a concern with this tweak. When I run the .deb, the installation goes well. But on Cydia the tweak is not found and at the launch of the game too. where can the problem come from? Iphone 7 plus IOS 12
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