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Posts posted by carpoa

  1. 5 hours ago, drxzm1 said:

    If one of you can take over the hack for monster legends please do soon. Not to be rude or rush anyone, but an event is coming up on Friday and it would really be a massive help for this hack to be available for people with iOS. We The monster legends community would love it. Have a great week. And Happy holidays 

    I could give it a shot. No promises though. Might be better for one of the three you pinged to fully take over for the long term as they're a lot more experienced than I but still worth a shot I suppose!

    • Agree 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, carpoa said:

    I'm having a look at it right now for potential offset patches. I will follow up with any updates and/or a post for the cheat if I do eventually make one!

    Server Sided. Literally nothing for the client apart for what is needed.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Shamoun1234 said:

    Yes, that’s the one. 

    I'm having a look at it right now for potential offset patches. I will follow up with any updates and/or a post for the cheat if I do eventually make one!

  4. There are a few ways to do this:

    - Offset Patching/Hooking

    - Editing the value from memory

    You would need to find the correct memory address or the correct offset value for the currency to modify it and or freeze its current amount.

    You can use the IGG tool for memory searching and the IGG menu for offset patching (Jailbreak only I believe. I also somewhat forgot the name of the menu... Maybe @Rook can correct me!)


    Both can be easy or not done at all due to the way the developers of the game is protecting and or uses the values in a way. It is also not at all possible if done from the server like how LDOE stuff is done. If it is done within a server then your chances of modifying that value are <1% and is more trouble than its worth.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Duelist said:

    If I remember correctly, this game has really ramped up its Anti Cheat measures over the last couple years. I know they use player cloaking now, which is pretty impressive for a mobile game. I can't remember the exact Anti Cheat they are using, BlackBox maybe? But regardless, the time it would take to find a bypass that could just stop working in one update isn't worth the work for a nonpaid cheat.

    Rook made a cheat for this game a couple years ago, you could ask him if he remembers anything, but then again, he hasn't updated it since August... probably good reason behind that haha

    Fair enough but sometimes rook doesnt always have time to update everything as he is like the only mod on the forum, has to update the LDOE cheat and many others (which is a bit of work) etc but you are probably right.

    But still doesn't mean it isn't worth a try as that 0x guy (forgot his name) updated his cheat for v1.100 (pretty recent don't remember specific as its 3:30am at time of typing).

    Trying to get out of my LDOE safezone and really expand on what game I can try to develop for.

  6. Your phone may have the storage but your computer may not. Whenever I get this on my sh!tty 256gb ssd I just clear my bin folder or move some stuff to my many external HDD drives/USB sticks I have and it fixes it for me. Try using CCleaner to remove a lot more junk and clearing your %temp% folder frequently.

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