Guys Today I'm gonna show a software that hacks password, very easy
its very easy to use also [support upto 8.4 iOS]
For those who can't find the app after installation with ifile error 256
follow these steps [ please read carefully ]
Watch Tutorial is here---->
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1. Download the .DEB from the link 2. Open it in ifile 3. Tap installer 4. respring 5. Done
Turn on your WiFi then run the app, after sometime you will get the passs..
it take time depends on password type, if it's simple it will be cracked fast, complex password take time
EDITED---- Note this app only connect you to the Wifi and wont show u the Password when u click for pass it will crash, So if wana know the password too.. then u have to add this
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itnstall this and it will show u the hacked password with above app.
Enjoy Guys... Have a nice day
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Gameplay of hacking