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Anthony Leodones

Senior Member
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Status Updates posted by Anthony Leodones

  1. Comment if I should crack again.

  2. Who's ready because I'm going to start flooding. :) GG

  3. I love using the new Apple T.V :)

  4. I'm not going to crack for awhile, my cousin installed something in my pc and it gave a virus, going to factory reset itt.

    1. Raggnar
    2. zzmorg82


      Your cousin must've been watching that freaky ish.

    3. JambaJuice


      ^ she means pron lmfao

    4. Anthony Leodones
  5. Going To Stop Private Accounts For Awhile

    1. --Techarmor--


      It's good for you.

  6. Finish the sentence: iOSGods is

    1. Raggnar


      Owned by Raggnar

  7. Guys Drake or Avicii? Vote down in the comments.

  8. Guys Drake or Avicii? Vote down in the comments.

  9. Avicii is God at EDM, my father told me, these are the nights that never die.

  10. Arguements are started by people, ended by people, and accounts are cracked by people. No matter what happens iG cracker till the end.

  11. I'm not meant for Trickshotting and Cracking, im built for it

    1. Raggnar


      :p "FaZe Cracker"
    2. Anthony Leodones

      Anthony Leodones

      I should change my name, but im lazy

    3. JambaJuice


      you lazy f**k

    4. Anthony Leodones

      Anthony Leodones

      Im lazy as f**k true.

  12. Nordan Shat was killed by Apex

  13. Just hit 2k thanks. Just like i hit 2m subs.

  14. 2k Thanks? Almost? 4 more!

  15. Mohammad96 is Bær than MariamGurl

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NitroxicDemon


      Faze you didn't say no homo smh

    3. Anthony Leodones

      Anthony Leodones

      Oh i thought mohammad was a girl ;p

    4. NitroxicDemon


      Bruh -______________-

    5. MariamGurl


      excuse me? mohammad a girl??? LMFAO

    6. 1Jakey


      He is not. As far as I know :Watching:


    1. Rook
    2. Noahxx


      the f**k? why are you deleting m8?

  17. Almost going to be a supporter

  18. #RoadTo2kThanks #RoadToSupporters #50More

  19. #RoadTo2kThanks #RoadToSupporters #50More

  20. I'm a Cracker. I can crack eggs.

    1. Zahir


      and I am a fcker, i can fck chicks

    2. Rook
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