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  1. @34306 The Mod Menu is not displayed on the title screen. I use the Japanese version. I am jailbreaking using iOS14.8 checkra1n.
  2. Thank you for your reply. I tried to change the content that was pointed out, but the game freezes at the moment of attacking the enemy regardless of whether the function is ON or OFF. Is there no choice but to create an OffsetSwitch for each attack magnification? SliderSwitch is more convenient and I wanted to make it ... Doesn't it make much sense to create a SWITCH statement by looking at the value of userAmount and describe patchOffset for each case?
  3. Thank you for your reply. I installed the deb that I created and tried to move it, but even if SliderSwitch is turned off, the game falls at the moment of attack. Is the HOOK method wrong? Also, with OffsetSwitch, the damage is x10 // Offset Switch with one patch [switches addOffsetSwitch: @ "Attack Damage x10" description: @ "High Damage" offsets: {0x101234567} bytes: {0x02D0241E}]; It is functioning without any problem, but in the case of SliderSwitch, is it unnecessary to describe the value of bytes after such a change?
  4. Hello @Ted2, I always use the MOD MENU template. I want you to tell me. So far, we have created a MOD menu with only "OffsetSwitch", but we want to create a Damage Multiplier from 1 to 10 times using "SliderSwitch". I made it as follows, but please let me know if there is not enough description. IDA text: 0000000101234567 FMOV S2, # 1.0 (#1.0 = AttackDamage x1, #2.0 = AttackDamage x2, ... , #10.0 = AttackDamage x10) Tweak.xm #import "Macros.h" /********************************** INSIDE THIS FUNCTION YOU'LL HAVE TO CREATE YOUR SWITCHES! ***********************************/ int(*old_attack_damage)(void *this_); int attack_damage(void *this_) { int userAmount = [[switches getValueFromSwitch:@"Attack Damage:"] intValue]; if([switches isSwitchOn:@"Attack Damage:"]) { return userAmount; } return old_attack_damage(this_); } void setup() { //public int attack_damage(); // RVA: 0x101234567 Offset: 0x1234567 HOOK(0x101234567, attack_damage, old_attack_damage); // Slider Switch - used in hooking! [switches addSliderSwitch:@"Attack Damage: " description:@"custom Attack Damage!" minimumValue:1 maximumValue:10 sliderColor:[UIColor colorWithRed:0.74 green:0.00 blue:0.00 alpha:1.0]]; } /********************************************************************************************************** You can customize the menu here Good site for specific UIColor: https://www.uicolor.xyz/#/rgb-to-ui NOTE: remove the ";" when you copy your UIColor from there! Site to find your perfect font for the menu: http://iosfonts.com/ --> view on mac or ios device See comment next to maxVisibleSwitches!!!! ************************************************************************************************************/ void setupMenu() { menu = [[Menu alloc] initWithTitle:@"@@APPNAME@@ - Mod Menu" titleColor:[UIColor whiteColor] titleFont:@"Copperplate-Bold" credits:@"This Mod Menu has been made by @@USER@@, do not share this without proper credits or my permission. \n\nEnjoy!" headerColor:[UIColor colorWithRed:0.74 green:0.00 blue:0.00 alpha:1.0] switchOffColor:[UIColor darkGrayColor] switchOnColor:[UIColor colorWithRed:0.00 green:0.68 blue:0.95 alpha:1.0] switchTitleFont:@"Copperplate-Bold" switchTitleColor:[UIColor whiteColor] infoButtonColor:[UIColor colorWithRed:0.74 green:0.00 blue:0.00 alpha:1.0] maxVisibleSwitches:4 // Less than max -> blank space, more than max -> you can scroll! menuWidth:250]; //once menu has been initialized, it will run the setup functions. In the setup function, you create your switches! setup(); } /* If the menu button doesn't show up; Change the timer to a bigger amount. */ static void didFinishLaunching(CFNotificationCenterRef center, void *observer, CFStringRef name, const void *object, CFDictionaryRef info) { timer(5) { SCLAlertView *alert = [[SCLAlertView alloc] initWithNewWindow]; // Website link, remove it if you don't need it. [alert addButton: @"Visit Me!" actionBlock: ^(void) { [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL: [NSURL URLWithString: @"@@SITE@@"]]; timer(2) { setupMenu(); }); }]; [alert addButton: @"Thankyou, understood." actionBlock: ^(void) { timer(2) { setupMenu(); }); }]; alert.shouldDismissOnTapOutside = NO; alert.customViewColor = [UIColor purpleColor]; alert.showAnimationType = SCLAlertViewShowAnimationSlideInFromCenter; [alert showSuccess: nil subTitle:@"@@APPNAME@@ - Mod Menu \n\nThis Mod Menu has been made by @@USER@@, do not share this without proper credits or my permission. \n\nEnjoy!" closeButtonTitle:nil duration:99999999.0f]; }); } %ctor { CFNotificationCenterAddObserver(CFNotificationCenterGetLocalCenter(), NULL, &didFinishLaunching, (CFStringRef)UIApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification, NULL, CFNotificationSuspensionBehaviorDeliverImmediately); } --- I'm sorry for your busy time. Thank you.
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