I don't know how familiar you guys are with the application "XModgames" but they had an app that basically speeds up your time ingame in realtime. No it doesn't work the same like when you change date and time setting in your device. It basically speeds up specific things that are designed into the app. If a game is mainly focused on building time then the tweak effect the building time so it speeds up, if the game is let's say an rpg where you move around killing mobs then the tweak effect the game by increasing the walking speed,hitting,recovery and basically any other timed base gameplay script in the game.
I want this tweak back because it was very useful, it works in almost 80% of all the games I tried it on, even in online server based games.
i used to play an online rpg while using the tweak and I would run around at 10x speed and people would try to report me but they couldn't press on my profile which was very funny. If I remember correctly the maximum value for the accelerator was 21x or 30x speed.
if you guys can develop this tweak or find one similar to it I would be very thankful.
i would like to add that if you're playing offline or online the hack effects only you, when you're using speed hack it's only you that will run around crazy not everyone in the game, but they still see you running around at that speed, in other words this is not a "Local only cheat"
best regards