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About This Club

here we will discuss about the HTML, CSS, JavaScript & basic PHP which are the basic fundamental technology for a website. If you have any question or any discussion then please write in the wall... This is a group for everyone interested in web technology... so you should also invite your friends who want to learn about those technology and share his knowledge.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Generally you'd start with the basics. Starting building things along the way like a blog / website. You don't need to buy a domain and register it since HTML / CSS / JavaScript can be run dynamically. Udemy or youtube has nice courses. I've used Solo Learn on my phone while I was on the metro / train. The more you teach yourself the better!
  3. use google or reddit mate they are more help ful xD.
  4. I’m looking to get entry level references to learn if anyone has tips or can point me in the right direction.

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