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    iPhone 11 Pro Max
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    Asus rog
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  1. * Operations are: • ADD operand1 + operand2 • SUB operand1 - operand2 • CMP operand1 - operand2, but result not written • CMP compare operand1 and operand2 • CMN operand1 + operand2, but result not written • MOV moves operand1 to operand2 • STR store operand1 in operand2 • LDR load operand2 in operand1 • NOP no operation • BX LR end the function this is the normal meaning here are some examples: - ADD r0,r1,r2 ; r0 = r1 + r2 - SUB r0,r6,r5 ; r0 = r6 - r5 - CMP r0,r1 ; get the greater of r1,r0 in r0 - STR r0, [r1,#-200] store r0 at r1-200 Still working on it, might take more days to continue explaining. if u want the meaning of other check this site:[Hidden Content] --------------Press the green button if want to thank me -----------------
  2. Hello im a retired cheater.... but i still make tuts

    1. Rook


      Hello retired cheater who still makes tuts :D

    2. castix


      You said you want to start hacking again D:

    3. AliKr96
    4. NitroxicDemon


      I remember you from Hax4Me :D

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