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    S7 Edge, King Rom
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  1. Try using AppAdmin from cydia, once downloaded goto your app via App Store and HOLD down the open option and a few options will pop up, press BLOCK ALL UPDATES
  2. Add me :stare:

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Cynicaaal


      You're a wizard harry

    3. Joka


      Why are you trying to boost the comments?

    4. Archangel04


      The Boy-Who-Lived, come to die....... AVADA KEDAVARA

    5. Cynicaaal


      I'm not boosting anything, if someone comments then I'll reply?

    6. KFCzZz
  3. thanks man
  4. wow, thanks man! very helpful
  5. Cash me outside, howbow dah?

  6. Hmmmm, what ios are you on? if its 10.2 then you may need to resign the yalu app as it only lasts 7 days ----If you never find a fix for this then install Clutch2 from cydia open up terminal and: 1- Login ( su & pass) 2- Once logged in type ulimit -n 1024 and press return 3- Next Type chmod x+ Clutch2 (Must be capital C) 4- Type ./Clutch2 (This will show all your options) ./Clutch2 -i will show all the apps crackable along with a specified number, if you wanted to crack Netflix and you typed ./Clutch2 -i you would see a number next to netflix, thats the number you need. Type ./Clutch2 -b (your number) for just the Netflix Binary Type ./Clutch2 -d (your number) for the whole ipa to be cracked
  7. Nice! you should maybe add a little tutorial though? 1 Load up terminal and login: 2 Once the menu pops up type ./Clutch 2 -i for the game/app you want cracking and check the number by the side of it 3 Once you have found the number, Type ./Clutch2 -d 5(Your number here) 4 The app will begin to crack. Once it has cracked open up iFile, Filza and goto /var/mobile/documents/dumped and your file will be in there (IPA) If your using iFile then rename the file (xxxxx.ipa to xxxxx.zip) and extract it ---- If your using Filza then simple click the ipa and it will give you the option to extract. 5 Once you have the extracted files you open the folder and select payload/xxxx.app and scroll down until you see your full app name without any .png / .plist or anything like that. DONE!
  8. Hmmm, I have a good spec PC and only tried to crack doodle jump due to its small size yet I left it for an hour and still only got 'sending' & also try using iFunBox to open your ports ? / disable your antivirus also?
  9. Remove Ldone from cydia and try again. Installed fine on my device ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How long does it normally take to crack an app? i tried it on a simple app (doodle jump) and its been 'sending' for about half an hour now?. my PC has good Ram and processor speed also However, there ARE 4 new folders in my Rasticrack folder which are Temp 1-4. -Thanks
  10. I had the 'Connection Refused' problem, i just installed Rasticrac from cydia then restarted the tutorial. Now its 'Sending' and created some decrypted files in the folder i created
  11. I've done it correct but still get errors if i use usb tunneling method i get: If i use my Device IP method then i get this: I have not installed OpenSSH as i've read that this may cause future problems for jailbreak updates so i use DropBear and iFunbox to open up the ports. I have Terminal, theos and all its dependices/sdk installed on my iDevice to if that helps? - Is there a way to bypass using OpenSSH? thanks
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