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How do I make an OHK


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I have this function which has the string "TotalDamage" in it. I know to godmode it's to RET the lose health, etc. But for OHK I actually have to change the values so it's big. So can I just change the values stored in the registers by not changing the flow of the script?

__text:000000010145D448 sub_10145D448                           ; DATA XREF: __const:00000001028F9C38↓o
__text:000000010145D448 var_10          = -0x10
__text:000000010145D448 var_s0          =  0
__text:000000010145D448                 STP             X20, X19, [SP,#-0x10+var_10]!
__text:000000010145D44C                 STP             X29, X30, [SP,#0x10+var_s0]
__text:000000010145D450                 ADD             X29, SP, #0x10
__text:000000010145D454                 MOV             X19, X0
__text:000000010145D458                 LDR             X8, [X19,#8]
__text:000000010145D45C                 LDR             X0, [X8]
__text:000000010145D460                 MOV             W1, #0x18
__text:000000010145D464                 MOV             X2, #0
__text:000000010145D468                 BL              sub_100A732C4
__text:000000010145D46C                 LDR             X8, [X19,#8]
__text:000000010145D470                 LDR             X19, [X8,#8]
__text:000000010145D474                 ADRP            X0, #aTotaldamagedon@PAGE ; "TotalDamageDone"
__text:000000010145D478                 ADD             X0, X0, #aTotaldamagedon@PAGEOFF ; "TotalDamageDone"
__text:000000010145D47C                 BL              sub_102089C74
__text:000000010145D480                 MOV             X1, X0
__text:000000010145D484                 MOV             X0, X19
__text:000000010145D488                 MOV             X2, #0
__text:000000010145D48C                 LDP             X29, X30, [SP,#0x10+var_s0]
__text:000000010145D490                 LDP             X20, X19, [SP+0x10+var_10],#0x20
__text:000000010145D494                 B               sub_100AD0780
__text:000000010145D494 ; End of function sub_10145D448



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Try in this function

MOV W0, W29 //Huge Value
RET //Skip the rest

But maybe you have to xref the sub_x functions.


You can also set a breakpoint on this function to figure out which register holds the damage value.

Also, for godmode it's not always just RET.

Mostly health is stored as a float, which means you mostly hack floats.


But on unity games everything is diffrent LUL

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