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Hunger games #4 :Evil:


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                As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.




AirMAX runs away from the Cornucopia.




DrogenKinder takes a handful of throwing knives.




Goggwell takes a handful of throwing knives.




Raggnar runs away from the Cornucopia.




FuroowHD runs away from the Cornucopia.




Mayaxaya runs away from the Cornucopia.




Ianouar3G runs away from the Cornucopia.




Amuyea finds a backpack full of camping equipment.




Nyanta grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia.




mitosis runs away from the Cornucopia.




ZahirSher, Alyce, shmoo, and Tamil share everything they gathered before running.




Diversityy runs away from the Cornucopia.




EhabHanbali grabs a jar of fishing bait while Klepto gets fishing gear.




Chrizk0 runs away from the Cornucopia.




Mr PHo3niX runs away from the Cornucopia.




DiDA runs away from the Cornucopia.




screenz runs away from the Cornucopia.




Earthiest takes a sickle from inside the cornucopia.




Helldegarde pushes Battousai off a cliff during a knife fight.

Day 1


AirMAX tries to spear fish with a trident.



Nyanta, mitosis, screenz, Chrizk0, and DiDA hunt for other tributes.



Klepto discovers a river.



Amuyea and EhabHanbali split up to search for resources.



Mr PHo3niX injures himself.



ZahirSher picks flowers.



Tamil tends to Goggwell's wounds.



Raggnar tries to sleep through the entire day.



shmoo receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.



Alyce defeats FuroowHD in a fight, but spares his life.



Diversityy and Earthiest hunt for other tributes.



Ianouar3G searches for a water source.



Helldegarde receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.



DrogenKinder falls into a pit and dies.



Mayaxaya searches for a water source.


Arena Event

A monstrous hurricane wreaks havoc on the arena.



Mr PHo3niX survives.



shmoo survives.



ZahirSher survives.



Alyce is incapacitated by flying debris and dies.



Nyanta survives.



Chrizk0 survives.



DiDA survives.



AirMAX is incapacitated by flying debris and dies.



mitosis is sucked into the hurricane.



Mayaxaya pushes Goggwell into an incoming boulder.



Earthiest survives.



Amuyea survives.



screenz survives.



FuroowHD stabs Raggnar, then pushes him close enough to the hurricane to suck him in.



Diversityy is incapacitated by flying debris and dies.



Ianouar3G is sucked into the hurricane.



Klepto stabs Tamil, then pushes him close enough to the hurricane to suck him in.



Helldegarde survives.



EhabHanbali survives.


10 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.




District 5




District 9




District 2




District 4




District 12




District 4




District 3




District 1




District 6




District 3




screenz questions his sanity.




shmoo receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.




Amuyea screams for help.




ZahirSher cooks his food before putting his fire out.




Klepto and DiDA run into each other and decide to truce for the night.




Helldegarde, Mr PHo3niX, Chrizk0, FuroowHD, and Earthiest sleep in shifts.




EhabHanbali defeats Nyanta in a fight, but spares his life.




Mayaxaya starts a fire.



ZahirSher defeats Klepto in a fight, but spares his life.




Helldegarde makes a wooden spear.




Earthiest diverts Amuyea's attention and runs away.




Nyanta defeats Mr PHo3niX in a fight, but spares his life.




EhabHanbali fishes.




DiDA overhears FuroowHD and Mayaxaya talking in the distance.




Chrizk0 discovers a river.




screenz and shmoo split up to search for resources.



ZahirSher receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.




Amuyea, EhabHanbali, Klepto, Mr PHo3niX, and screenz sleep in shifts.




DiDA is awoken by nightmares.




Chrizk0 convinces Mayaxaya to snuggle with him.




Helldegarde tends to his wounds.




shmoo, Earthiest, FuroowHD, and Nyanta sleep in shifts.


Day 3

ZahirSher injures himself.



Klepto diverts Amuyea's attention and runs away.



Helldegarde explores the arena.



Mr PHo3niX collects fruit from a tree.



Earthiest strangles screenz with a rope.



FuroowHD sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.



shmoo explores the arena.



Mayaxaya and EhabHanbali work together for the day.



Nyanta constructs a shack.



DiDA injures himself.



Chrizk0 makes a wooden spear.


1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.




District 11



Earthiest receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.




Chrizk0 sets up camp for the night.




Mr PHo3niX receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.




DiDA thinks about home.




Klepto, Helldegarde, and EhabHanbali discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.




ZahirSher receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.




Amuyea and Mayaxaya tell stories about themselves to each other.




FuroowHD convinces Nyanta to snuggle with him.




shmoo attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful. Day 4

FuroowHD dies trying to escape the arena.



EhabHanbali and Klepto work together for the day.



Mr PHo3niX chases Amuyea.



Earthiest steals from shmoo while he isn't looking.



Chrizk0 questions his sanity.



DiDA and ZahirSher hunt for other tributes.



Mayaxaya injures himself.



Helldegarde camouflauges himself in the bushes.



Nyanta receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.




District 5

Night 4



EhabHanbali questions his sanity.



shmoo and ZahirSher tell stories about themselves to each other.



DiDA tries to treat his infection.



Helldegarde receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.



Earthiest attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.



Mr PHo3niX loses sight of where he is.



Klepto, Amuyea, Nyanta, and Chrizk0 tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.



Mayaxaya tries to treat his infection.


Day 5


DiDA sets ZahirSher on fire with a molotov.



Mayaxaya sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.



Klepto discovers a cave.



Amuyea diverts Nyanta's attention and runs away.



Chrizk0 searches for firewood.



EhabHanbali camouflauges himself in the bushes.



Helldegarde explores the arena.



shmoo receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.



Earthiest tries to spear fish with a trident.



Mr PHo3niX practices his archery.

A fire spreads throughout the arena.




Amuyea kills Earthiest in order to utilize a body of water safely.




Helldegarde survives.




Mayaxaya survives.




Chrizk0 survives.




EhabHanbali survives.




DiDA falls to the ground, but kicks Mr PHo3niX hard enough to then push him into the fire.




shmoo falls to the ground, but kicks Nyanta hard enough to then push him into the fire.




The fire catches up to Klepto, killing him.

5 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.




District 7




District 11



Mr PHo3niX

District 9




District 12




District 2

Night 5


Mayaxaya sets up camp for the night.



Helldegarde receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.



Chrizk0 attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.



Amuyea, EhabHanbali, shmoo, and DiDA sleep in shifts.

The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.




Mayaxaya sets an explosive off, killing Amuyea.




shmoo gathers as much food into a bag as he can before fleeing.




Helldegarde decides not to go to The Feast.




EhabHanbali decides not to go to The Feast.




Chrizk0 severely injures DiDA, but puts him out of his misery.

Day 6



Mayaxaya tries to sleep through the entire day.



EhabHanbali is unable to convince shmoo to not kill him.



Helldegarde accidently steps on a landmine.



Chrizk0 receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.




District 8




District 1




District 10




District 10



Mayaxaya and Chrizk0 run into each other and decide to truce for the night.




shmoo dies from an infection.

Day 7



Mayaxaya sets an explosive off, killing Chrizk0.

2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.




District 7




District 8


The Winner



The winner is Mayaxaya from District 6!


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