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I'm a beginner at this so please lmk what I'm missing or what I messed up on. I have this .Lua script, and It only works on jailbroken iPhones using AutoTouch and Filza.
1: I jailbroken my iPhone with Polera1n.
***I researched on how to get AutoTouch and Filza, everything said to use Cydia.***
2: Opened Polera1n and the only options it gave me was to download Sileo and Zebra, which I did. 
3: Imported AutoTouch Repo and Filza File Manager Repo into both of the apps than installed it. 
4: Var>Mobile>Library>Autotouch- Added a new file .Lua tha pasted and saved  my script in it .
5: Navigated to the website, did the first few manually than ran the script when the error message went away and it was supposed to run and repeat the same tasks until the correct one was found. But when I ran it, nothing happened. 
Sorry if I'm confusing.
Updated by Laxus
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Post some screenshot about the script and where it is, and your AutoTouch home screen UI

im not sure putting your script directly into var/mobile/…/Autotouch will work.

Usually this dir is not accessible for the User. It would normally be in /Documents 

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