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The King of Fighters ALLSTAR Cheats v1.17.0 +5 [ Multiply Attack & More ]

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3 hours ago, Laxus said:

I don’t know man .. I have deleted everything since people is not happy with the new way now I can’t remember what I did before lol


Not sure how the forum rules and things work but I'll point @Rook to this just the same so he's aware.

Here's a Google Drive link of the 1.6.9 version (7).deb you created in the last update:

If you could recreate this mod as a version (2) of the 1.6.10 update, I'd be much obliged.

And I know I'm speaking for all of us when I say this, I / WE TOTALLY value your time.  If you needed me to cash app / venmo / PayPal you a few extra bucks for the work to recreate this for us, I'm more than happy to do that.

Let me know either way. 😃👍👍👍

Again @Rook hopefully this doesn't violate any rules or anything but @Laxus is really doing a great job and I can only imagine the extra time he spends modding, so if recreating this version (7) is out of scope of what is normally done...I would totally be willing to shoot a few extra bucks his way or make a donation to iosgods so that @Laxus could do this for us!!!

Let me know what's best guys.

@Laxus @Rook thank you guys for all that you do!!!


Updated by Laxus
  • Agree 1

@Laxus sorry about that...should have known better.

Again...hope I didn't break any rules.

Would have sent it to you directly but when I tried through message it says you don't receive them.

In any event, whatever you need to make that happen just direct message me through here or let me know via this thread.

Appreciate you!!! 




@Laxus @Rook

Morning fellas,

Any chance of an update or version (2) to this one so that it works in the below modes - Team Relay Challenge: Immortal Rahk and Dungeon of Trials: Mech Spider B-1000.

Again, I know @Laxus you created several iterations last time to facilitate the same issue in the previous mod menu tweak for 1.6.9.  Hopefully you can create version 2 of this 1.6.10 tweak as I know a few people have mentioned wanting to to utilize it for these modes.

Would help a great deal...Thanks in Advance.

Just now, dcampbel said:

@Laxus @Rook

Morning fellas,

Any chance of an update or version (2) to this one so that it works in the below modes - Team Relay Challenge: Immortal Rahk and Dungeon of Trials: Mech Spider B-1000.

Again, I know @Laxus you created several iterations last time to facilitate the same issue in the previous mod menu tweak for 1.6.9.  Hopefully you can create version 2 of this 1.6.10 tweak as I know a few people have mentioned wanting to to utilize it for these modes.

Would help a great deal...Thanks in Advance.

Where do I find that mode to test


2 hours ago, Laxus said:

Where do I find that mode to test

First you select Battle tab on the Home Menu (Bottom Right):


Then you select Special Match tab in the Select Quest Menu (Bottom Middle):


                                                                                                                         In the Special Match menu Immortal Rahk / BSpider are in the Team Relay Challenge and Dungeon of Trials modes, respectively.    (Two tabs on the Right):


Updated by dcampbel
9 hours ago, dcampbel said:


First you select Battle tab on the Home Menu (Bottom Right):


Then you select Special Match tab in the Select Quest Menu (Bottom Middle):


                                                                                                                         In the Special Match menu Immortal Rahk / BSpider are in the Team Relay Challenge and Dungeon of Trials modes, respectively.    (Two tabs on the Right):


if @Laxus has not played the game then he wont be able to see it as there is a certain rank he has to reach to have those modes unlocked.

but yes those modes are pretty much the end game at this point so it certainly is a necessity to have the ability to have them modded.


8 hours ago, evilness9999 said:

if @Laxus has not played the game then he wont be able to see it as there is a certain rank he has to reach to have those modes unlocked.

but yes those modes are pretty much the end game at this point so it certainly is a necessity to have the ability to have them modded.


I assume that @Laxus has high enough rank because his version (7) of the previous mod menu tweak for 1.6.9 allowed for the multiplied damage to reflect in the output meter in these modes but not exponentially tear down each bosses x200 health bar.

I also assume that even if he doesn’t have high enough rank and accidentally stumbled upon this holy grail of a mod menu iteration in attempts to appease all of us, perhaps he can replicate what was done in a version (2) for 1.6.10.

@Laxus did state that he had deleted all previous iterations and doesn’t remember what was done to create that version (7).  In efforts to help (like a dumba**) I Google Drive linked that version (7) .deb file in the forum here.  I should have known that was against the rules because my post was immediately flagged and the link was removed. 😔

Again, as it stands now, I'm not really sure what to do in those two modes.  Hoping @Laxus has another miracle up his sleeve BUT even if he doesn’t, I’m still thankful for this one because I honestly wouldn’t be anywhere near my current rank or have high level characters without it!!! 👍

Like guys, do you know how much MONEY we'd have to pay Netmarble just to compete in this game without @Laxus mod menu.  As far as I'm concerned, this tweak is an investment that SAVES MY FRIGGIN' WALLET!!!


Updated by dcampbel
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      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
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      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/
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      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/
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