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    iPhone 8 Plus

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  1. They added LIAPP protection... Better jailbreak detection. For a side note, game is cheatable still.
  2. Lots more can be done to this game
  3. Kevv


    1. Pashaayad


      Hi brother pleas give me hack game horrorfeld version 1.0.12 thanks you ❤️

    2. Rook


      I remember you!

  4. Interested
  5. Same here, lemme know if anyone figures crap out. Tried gamegem and speedmaster
  6. Paid for it, but f**k the issues I get on start up.
  7. Shit, thanks for fixing it, I just refreshed it and was like WTF... I didn't add that... How did you do the image so fast?
  8. I made this for my site and figured I would share it here since I learned most of the stuff from here . Features: Makes any notes hit become 300s instead of 100s or 50s This has been a broken link for a very long time... Sorry I don't have intentions to update it. How to Install/Use: Download it and transfer it onto your device Open the file in iFile and select Installer, or use the AutoInstall folder that Cydia allows. Browse to osuStream in settings and turn the flip switch on. Enjoy!
  9. Don’t want the cheat but the examples are nice to look at
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