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    iPhone 7 Plus
  • Jailbroken

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  1. Can someone tell me which anti-jailbreak detection tweak i need to use for last cloudia? I tried shadow, but no use, game detects the palerain.
  2. Hack works very good, thanks. Just needs updating;). Happy new year folks!
  3. @LoliteTested a bit, can you confirm damage/skill cool-down options shouldn’t work in pvp map? Seems like damage and cool-down is same when fighting behemoth or player. Cheers and thanks!
  4. Nobody replied to my dm’s :(. Really would like to become a member, just having difficulty with payin system. Should not take long time for you guys, if it’s possible to help me with membership. Thank you!
  5. Hi, in my country it’s not possible to pay with credit card, is it possible to pay for vip with crypto instead? I want to become long-standing vip member
  6. Have been using the hack from previous author, gonna check this one. Thanks!
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