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    iPhone 6s
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  1. Hello guys today i have brought to you a bot for the website CashFiesta. This bot allows you to rank up points using the CashFiesta Toolbar that you download. I wouldnt reccomend you to use this on your current pc because of the ads that popup while using the toolbar which is what i did. I'll walk you step by step through the process. *note Some people say its a scam some say it isnt so its worth a try because your really not doing anything but letting your Virtual Machine run the toolbar* Step one- Go to CashFiesta.com in your virtual machine and sign up on the website. ( You can make a new Paypal account and link it to the website as it pays through paypal on the 1st of the month or 15th of the month by check or paypal) Step two- After that verify your email and all that jazz Step three- Download the Toolbar from the website, sign into your account. Step four- This is how to get the bot working you have to go to the settings button in the toolbar and make sure the toolbar options are set to Top and the theme is Silver. Step Five- Leave the vm alone for a amount of time and you'll have points. I'll be Updating this Thread on The first of June to see if this actually pays and if it does GREAT! if it doesnt ill remove the thread and be shunned forever ;( Download is below *Remember to download it in your Virtual Machine!* [Hidden Content]
  2. does xpango work

    1. BaROCK Obama

      BaROCK Obama

      Most of services like that don't work. Just don't rely on them too much.

  3. I use autotouch for AppTrailers all you really have to do is 1. Record yourself doing the designated action so if i wanted autotouch to close my app i would double tap the home button and open the app switcher then close the app. 2. Stop the recording and review it by playing it once to see if it meets your standards if not tweak the speeds and intervals or just record it again. Thats basically it reply to me if you need more help
  4. so this will give me free bitcoins?
  5. I cannot find this directory so i cant install a hack for punch hero. I see the containers folder but not the Applications folder. I tried playing the game for a bit to see if that would create the folder but it didnt
  6. 01101000011001010110110001101100011011110010000001101001011011010010000001101101011011110110101101110101011010100110100101101110

    1. DeadGood



    2. Mokujin



    3. DeadGood
    4. mehdiphone



  7. brave frontier updated :angry:

  8. sleepcycle is better imo great hack tho
  9. thank you for this i had forgot about the name of this tweak when i re-jailbroke
  10. As i said in the topic I'm on Ios 7.1.2 so i am unaware if it works on ios8 ill go research about it I’ll get back to you soon
  11. what version ios do you have and did you try respringing again after you opened it?
  12. thanks put it in the post
  13. CrackTool is a tool which allows you to use some Cydia tweaks and Tools like you have bought them. "Note this was tested on a Iphone 4 and this doesn’t work on all tweaks just the ones provided" Step 1 Open Cydia and add this repo "repo.biteyourapple.net" if you already have it skip to step 2 Step 2 Search for Cracktool and Install it. Step 3 Respring and open the App with the Wrench and Screw as a logo. Step 3.5 The app may "update" as in open and close for some reason if this happens respring again as this worked for me. Step 4 Select the application that you want to crack and respring once more. The next time you open the app you should have full features. *This isnt mine i was just posting it here as a instructional guide if you wanted to crack a app in Cracktool Credits : julio verne" *Hint Use Ctrl+F to find your app* App list (Crackable currently) Icleaner Pro Lockinfo7 Activator (ADS) Insomnia Copic CallLogPro LinkTunes (ADS) LinkStore(ADS) Dock QuickDo Tage iUnlock Search+ QuickCall Bulletin Messages iFile Filza Cloaky Arise Aria MiniPlayer IconTool LocationFaker Eclipse CCQuickPro Auxo 2 Ios7 yBox AltKeyboard2 ios7 Asphaleia DataMeter GPSCheat NCFold Convergance Audio Recorder AppDye Mail More Photos Push for GMAIL Coono VineDownloader iKeyWi2 PProtect BOptions+ WAEnhancer EqualizerEverywhere handyDialer Lockdown Pro iOS7 BioLaunch CustomCover PreferenceTag AudioExplorer+ CoverArtExplorer VideoExplorer SetBack CameraTweak2 springPage donTouch iconNotifier Bridge Protube ProtubeHD Flex2 Archer AndroidLockXT ipEQ for Iphone PC Networking tsProtectorP AccountChanger TS UIColors NextGenUI AutoTouch AnimateAll If i helped Click that Thanks and for me! -Mokujin
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