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    Gliese 667 Cc

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Community Answers

  1. I have final exams this week. If you need something, please pm me and I will answer you next week once I am finished. 

  2. You're welcome. Let me know if your issue gets fixed.
  3. It can take up to 24 hours for it to process. If it has been more than that, make sure to contact Rook.
  4. These are two separate things. The iGameGod is currently only available on the iOS Gods repo via Cydia on jailbroken devices. Please visit this topic for more information on iGameGod .
  5. After you pay for it and enter your device UDID, you should receive an email with a link to download it if I am not mistaken.
  6. As the other person mentioned, creating new accounts could work to bypass the download limit if you do not want to pay to increase it. However, I am uncertain if there are working tweaks to bypass the download it. I could be wrong.
  7. Even if you were to sideload the LDOE IPA with Sideloadly or AltStore, it will not recognize GameCenter or your save because the app bundle ID would be different.
  8. Hi, You can go to this site via safari or your computer and download the IPA file for it: https://app.iosgods.com/store/games Let me know if that works.
  9. Did you check to see if they are compatible with your iOS version? They might need to be updated to work with iOS 14
  10. Same here I have never heard of CentBrowser either
  11. There is no current way to convert apk files into ipa format for iOS. As Rook alluded to, you can download an Android emulator onto your computer, such as Bluestacks or NoxPlayer, and still play the hacked apk of the game that way.
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